Last Week...

...we went to Whole Foods after work to get our groceries for the week. While the girls and I waited in the car for Daddy, Grace sang the Frozen soundtrack to herself in the mirror. She turned to me all of the sudden and said, "Wow! I have really sharp teeth!"

...we tried doing a modified version of the Whole 30 by basically just eating clean and only allowing ourselves a few treats. It didn't work out so well. We decided to start it up again the weekend after Zacarias' bachelor party, because we'll have three full weeks without any events to deter us.

...Char and I snuggled on the couch. I've been trying to teach her to say her name, but obviously she's more into movies than me.

...the girls made a fort over Grace's bed.

...Charley made her penguin and kitty cat kiss each other a million times. Weirdo!

...Charley learned how to say "fart", although she says it like an English person. She was being so silly and then instantly jumped into a game of "Where are you?"

...Daddy and Char had fun before bed.

...I did all of the lessons in my new crochet book and taught myself some new stitches. After the lessons, I picked my favorite pattern from the book and started a new blanket for Charley. Stay tuned for pictures of my work in progress.

...Grandma Sunshine forgot her keys at our house, so she came to pick them up from our office on Tuesday. She brought Presley along for a surprise visit during our lunch. She spent the whole time cuddled up on my chest with a fever. Poor girl!

...Grace brought her iPad outside so she could watch Frozen with her friends.

How cute does Char look sitting there?!

...we went to Lucille's for dinner with the Sebastians, and all of the kids insisted on riding together. We were forced to listen to the Frozen soundtrack the whole way, and Isaac thought I was crazy for knowing all of the words. (What? I listen to it every day when I take/pick the kids up from where ever they are.)

...Chef Charley played in her kitchen.

...Grace and Charley played until Grace pushed Charley back in retaliation, and she got her feelings hurt. So funny!

...the girls FaceTimed with Sookie. Then they set up their iPads in the hall to talk to Grammy and Papa Rick while also watching Frozen.

...I rocked Charley to sleep in the big chair for the first time in a looooonggg time and didn't want to move once she fell asleep. I'm not ready for her to be so big already.

...we went to Matt and Frannie's to watch the Rebels play, and Char kept walking around in her sunglasses.  She fell asleep watching a movie, and didn't move when I took the iPad out of her hands. Daddy celebrated the win over San Jose State with the crazy Gerfys (and their wigs).

...I checked in on the girls while they were at school. Gracie's class was singing during circle time, and Char was hanging out on the bus slide with her toys. She loves this thing just like Grace did when she was in the two-year-old class.

...the girls played in their sandbox while Daddy and I worked on their new swing set that Papa Rick gave us. We also got to stare at the most amazing sunset while we worked.

...Char relaxed in her sleeper, while big girl Grace watched a movie with her headphones.

...there was a gorgeous sunrise to go along with that amazing sunset from the night before.

...Charley played with my make-up while I got ready for Stefanie's bachelorette party on Friday. She was really fascinated with the eyeliner.

...Daddy took the girls to Krispy Kreme while Elisha and I went to meet Stef at Planet Hollywood for her big night.

...we arrived at the hotel and hung out in the room for a bit. Then, we all went down to Gordon Ramsay Burgr for a delicious dinner and some drinks. That was followed up with a few more drinks, in the form of shots, in the hotel room. Finally, we headed to The Axis theater to see Britney Spears. As usual, she was super amazing, and we all had a blast singing our hearts out. I headed home after the concert since I had been up since six that morning for work. I had so much fun with everyone and was looking forward to having dinner with them all the next night at The Sugar Factory (I've really been wanting to try this place out!).

...when I got home late that night, Charley woke up and wanted to sleep on my chest.

...the next morning, Isaac and I completed the girls' swing set. They had fun playing on it, but Gracie kept having croup-like cough attacks, so she went inside to lay down with Daddy while Char kept on playing.

Thanks again, Papa Rick! The girls LOVE it!!

...all of that playing really wore Char out, and she fell asleep while I was showering.

...while the girls were napping, I got Isaac to hang up some canvases that I ordered. They turned out so gorgeous, and I love looking at them every night when we get home.

...we decided to cancel our plans for the day that consisted of Scarlett Luks' third brithday party and the second night of Stef's bachelorette celebration when Grace's fever spiked up, and she just wanted to cuddle. Although we were bummed about missing both events, I hate when my girls are sick. It's so sad to see them be so miserable, and I couldn't stand to leave her.

Char Char taking care of sissy by rubbing her back...she's the sweetest!

...Sunday morning, Isaac ran to the store while I finally updated the pictures in our big frame. I also decided to add to the decor on the pot shelves above our kitchen, because I was just in that kind of mood.

...Gracie seemed to be feeling better after a day's worth of Motrin and Zarbee's, but now Charley was starting to cough. She fell asleep while watching her iPad again.

...later that day, Matt and Frannie came over to watch the Superbowl, and we had all kinds of yummy snacks including some Super Hero and Ninja Turtle cake pops from The Sweet Pop Shop that I ordered for Isaac's upcoming birthday. We had fun watching the game (especially because I am the farthest thing in the world from a Peyton Manning fan...I was loving watching him get whooped), and the girls provided an amazing half time show while dancing to Bruno Mars. Before I started recording them, we were all crying because Charley kept spinning so fast and then walking around like a little drunk person. She thought it was so fun, and we couldn't stop laughing at her.

See you next week <3

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