Two in Two Months

In just two months, our little Charley bug will be TWO.

I can't even begin to understand that. She is still such a baby in my eyes.

Charley loves to dance and does so all the time. Her favorite moves are the twirl and the fist pump. She loves to get dizzy and falls over. Then this crazy kid gets up and starts spinning all over again.

She is talking so much. Char can tell us what she wants/needs and can say almost anything you ask her to. She loves to say "hi!" to everyone she sees and blow kisses to them, as well. She loves to wave to airplanes and birdies and points them out each time she sees them. My favorite is listening to her say her own name. I'll ask her "who's that" in a picture of her, and she says with a silly smile, "Chaw-dee".

She is still obsessed with movies and is currently loving Frozen and Wreck it Ralph. She also loves anything to do with Buzz Lightyear.

She is now going to school four days a week, and her teacher says that she likes to march to the beat of her own drum. She'll participate in crafts or circle time for a little while, and then moves on to the next thing pretty quickly. She has been in the two-year-old class for a few months, and she won't be two for two more months (how many times can you say 'two' in one sentence?). Although most of the kids are quite a bit older than her, she gets along with them all, and her teacher says that everyone just loves her.

Charley has the sweetest demeanor. Last night at dinner, she looked up at me from her high chair and said in thee sweetest voice ever, "Momma, can I get up?" She melts me so easily, this one. She also has the best "I'm mad at you" face. She tilts her head down, looks up at you, and sticks her big ole' lips out in the biggest pout. It makes me laugh every time!

She loves to eat mac and cheese, chicken, and cereal. When you give her something like a cookie or doughnut, she'll eat the icing or sprinkles off the top and give it back to you. She hates strawberries, but will eat just about any other fruit or veggie.

Her favorite toys are easily her baby dolls, stroller, and diaper bag. She loves taking them everywhere with her, and she's a pro at swaddling her baby. She also loves to play in her kitchen with Gracie, cut up all of the food, and bring it to us to eat.

Blankies are her favorite thing ever. She has about five of her own that she uses all the time, but she doesn't favor just one and switches them out with ease. This makes it nice when one is dirty and I have to wash it. She brings them everywhere, and we've learned not to leave the house without one.

Baby girl weighs 25.5 pounds and is standing at about 30 inches tall. She is still wearing her 12-18 month clothes, although the pants are super short on her long, skinny legs. I've been buying everything for summer in 2T. She is wearing a size six in shoes.

She loves to sing Wheels on the Bus and count to ten. Her version of counting goes more like "1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 8, TEN!" We're working on it. She also loves to sing her ABC's.

Charley loves to yell "noooo!" and babble in some weird yelling voice and tell you what to do. It's so hard to discipline her, because she's the cutest thing ever, and we can't help but laugh at her.

She gave up nursing at seventeen months, and she hasn't had her binky since eighteen months. Char also began sleeping in her own bed recently. She asked to be put in there, which was totally weird, and has loved it ever since. We are currently working on potty training, but we haven't been able to give it much time with all of the events going on. My goal is to have her done by her second birthday.

We love this kid so stinkin' much. She is so sweet, hilarious, bossy, snuggly, and most of all fun. We just can't get enough of her!

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