Enough Green to Go Around

This past Saturday was the annual St. Patty's Day Parade on Water Street. We go every single year, but this year might have been the best one yet. We met up with Gran and Poppa Allen and hung out underneath James' navy flag that waves above the street every day. (I really wish I would have taken a picture while we were there. I'll have to get one next week when I go to Poppa's house.)

Poppa and Gran got the girls some yummy shamrock cookies, and Charley hung out with Gran while she ate hers.

It was absolutely gorgeous out, and we loved hanging out in the sunshine while we waited for the parade to start.

It started with the Henderson police clearing the way, and they were followed by the American flag. I explained to Grace that it stood for our freedom and all of the brave men and women that fight for us. Every time she saw one, she'd say, "Another America flag, mom! I love that flag."

Cutest little Red Hat Ladies!

Charley loved yelling along with the cheerleaders. She thought they were the coolest!

Shamrock came out of the ambulance on a stretcher.

Gracie's favorites were the dogs (obvi!) and the drums.

We left a little early, because there were SO many people down there. I couldn't believe the amount of people that showed up for the parade. It's so refreshing to live in such a big city, but still have the awesomeness of a small town that just feels like home.

My Poppa and Grandma live just off of Water Street, so we always park at their house. They were out on their front porch enjoying the beautiful weather, so we stopped by for a bit. The girls had a blast chasing Holly all over the yard.

It's usually windy or cold on the day of the St. Patrick's Day Parade. This year, with all of the recent sunshine we've been getting, there truly was enough green to go around!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

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