Zacarias and Stefanie Espejo {The Wedding}

Saturday, March 1, 2014, was a day that we had all been waiting for. 

Zacarias and Stefanie were finally getting married!!

Isaac spent Friday night and all day Saturday with Zac getting ready for his big day. We met up with them at the venue a couple of hours before the ceremony, and the girls were so happy to see their Daddy.

They were all ready to go in their flower girl dresses, and looked so darn cute! Charley loved the puffiness, and spent most of the night holding it up like a princess.

Stefanie looked absolutely stunning, and Presley got in some much needed mama time before their big walks down the aisle.

Everyone was so anxious! The girls watched them all line up and get ready through the big windows.

Grace gave Presley some big cousin advice to calm her nerves. 
(They're so stinkin' cute!!)

Isaac gave Zacarias a ride.

And everyone started crying at Stef's big entrance.

The girls looked beautiful in their radiant red dresses.

Presley ran to her Daddy before taking a seat with Grandpa and Grandma.

The ceremony was beautiful, and then they were officially Mr. and Mrs. Espejo!

Presley was exhausted from all of that excitement and passed out while the bride and groom took pictures.

Then it was time for the ceremony. Everyone had so much fun celebrating these two love birds, and it couldn't have been any more fun. We all danced the night away, especially Charley who twirled and fist pumped for three hours straight before passing out in Grandma's lap. Girl was a total dancing queen.

What an amazing day! Watching our brother marry a stunning, hilarious, sweet, wonderful woman was such a great moment in our lives. We love these two and our adorable niece, Presley, so so much. Seeing them so happy and in love makes us so excited for them and the amazing life they have ahead of them. 
(Plus, we get an awesome new sister!)

Enjoy this video that Uncle Rick made of the ceremony. It's a real tear jerker.

Congrats, Zacarias and Stefanie Espejo!! 

We couldn't be happier for you!

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