Last Week...

...we had more gorgeous weather, so we played outside every single day after work/school. Char was being quiet, so I went looking for her and found her just hanging out in the rocks by herself. Silly girl! I bribed her to come hang out with me by giving her some graham crackers.

...she was exhausted from playing outside and didn't budge when I moved her over to snuggle with me.

(Those pouty lips killlll me!!)

...the kiddos played outside on their scooters. 

...we went to Chevy's for dinner and got some free ice cream cones.

...Char fell asleep snuggled in my arms. Moments like these don't happen near enough.

...Char spent more time on her scooter and shared some raisins with JJ.

...Presley came over to play and had so much fun playing in the girls kitchen, pushing baby in her stroller, and eating Thin Mints (the best!) with Char.

...I came across some old pictures of Isaac and I, like these awesome ones from our Freshman year of high school.

...Auntie Allison sent the girls a Frozen blanket that Grace went crazy about. 

(Thanks again, Auntie!! You're the best!)

...Daddy came home from work and played with the girls outside. They had so much fun goofing off with him.
 of my bestest friends gave birth to the sweetest little man on Friday! We are so happy/excited/obsessed/in love with baby Jakson. Congrats, Kasie and Jeremy! We love you guys so so much!!

...we went to the St. Patty's Day Parade on Water Street on Saturday.

...after the parade, we played outside with the neighbors. There was no way we were staying in the house on such a beautiful day.

...they played the cutest game of Hide and Go Seek you'll ever see in your life.

...the girls played with their Lite Brite, one of my favorite toys from when I was younger.

...we had a Frozen dance party in the living room (the end is the best).

...Charley fell asleep on my chest again after her bath, while I watched Sportscenter.

(Those lips, thoughhhhhh!!)

...Sunday morning we had breakfast at The Coffee Cup. 

...Charley sang along to the radio on the way home.

...after breakfast, we spent a couple of hours at O'Callaghan Park throwing around a frisbee, playing on the playground, and enjoying treats from the ice cream man. Since Poppa and Gran live across the street, they came over to play, too.

...when we got home, the girls had fun painting and listening to tunes with their neighbor friends.

...we went to I Love Burgers for dinner with the Sebastians where we enjoyed cheeseburgers and yummy shakes. After dinner we played on the play area for a bit before heading home (Not before I got some new sunglasses, of course. Gotta shop a little bit!)

...lately, all of the kiddos have been wanting to ride together whenever we go somewhere. This particular night, we got to take Noah and Easton with us. After dinner, they were a little crazy. Poor Char was just too funny trying to fall asleep through the madness.

...I gave her a quick bath when we got home and spent the rest of my night snuggling my baby princess. I don't know what it is lately, but I just can't get enough of her snuggles. I'm so glad that she still wants them, too, because Grace grew out of that around two months old.

The perfect end to a perfect week!

See ya next time <3

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