Last Week...

...Elsa, I mean Gracie, and Noah played with Rapunzel Play-Doh.

...we made the most delicious chicken fajitas for dinner. Shocking, I know. It was probably the first time we cooked dinner at home in what feels like months.

...after dinner, we took a walk around the neighborhood. The girls took turns riding their Minnie scooter and chasing Daddy. It was such a beautiful evening.

...after our walk, some of the neighbor kids raced down the street over and over. Every time they made it back, Char would yell, "again! again!".

...Grace found my wig from Halloween and refused to let me take a picture of her wearing it, while Charley downed some yogurt.

...the girls made a "fort" in Grace's bed. Doesn't really look like a fort to me, but hey, who am I to judge?

...Grace snuggled up to her Daddy while he slept, and then snuggled with Mommy, too.

...she made me an awesome (drunk?) clown at school complete with a black eye and some bruises on his face.

...whenever I go to Starbucks, Grace asks me for hot chocolate, and Char asks me for coffee. I surprised them with hot cocoa and cake pops after school one day.

...cousin Chase came over with Auntie Geni to drop off my dress for her wedding. The girls had fun playing with him, and then decided to do Auntie's hair instead.

...we spent ten-twenty minutes sitting on the potty in random intervals alllll week long. Char got tired of it and started crying whenever I put her on the potty, so we had to play lots of games and sing lots of songs to get her to stay there.

...Isaac got me back for taking a picture of him sleeping with Grace by getting one of me sleeping with Char.

...the girls played with some neighbor friends in the back yard after school. They pretended to be sharks? I have no idea.

...we spent more time on the potty, and Charley started making this face whenever she wants a kiss.

...she hung out in Mommy's bed watching her iPad. She's now in love with "in-cwed-wulls" or The Incredibles and wants to watch it constantly. Another current favorite of hers is Tad - The Lost Explorer that Grace found on Netflix. She isn't super into princesses like Gracie just yet.

...we went to the Unertls for dinner Friday, and the girls finally got to meet their new best friend. They couldn't get enough of baby Jakson. Whenever I tried to take him from Char, she'd say, "No! I hode (hold) it!" She was constantly kissing him and would give him a little shake whenever he tried to fall asleep in her arms. They were adorable together!

(Stop shaking me, Char!)

 ...we had plans to meet up with Zac, Stef, and Presley at Town Square Saturday morning, so we got up and get ready pretty early. The girls wanted to wear their towels around instead of getting dressed. I eventually talked them into it with the promise of Pinkbox Doughnuts.

...we had fun feeding the birds and running all over the playground before heading to lunch. Stef's family joined us, and Gracie loved playing with Chloe.

...when we were all played out, we headed to I Luv Burgers for lunch where we sat in the back room and the kids ran amok.

...when we got home, we kept on potty training. Char looks so cute in her little panties.

...Sunday morning, we all helped Daddy make pancakes for breakfast.

...Grace practiced writing her name while I put together a meal plan for the week.

She is getting SO good!!

...she got ready and brushed her teeth, so we could all head to the store. I can't get over how big she is. She brushes her teeth without any help and even uses her mouthwash, which she calls "wash-mouth".

...Char fell asleep while waiting for sister, so she and Daddy stayed home.

...Whole Foods was giving away mini ice cream cones, and Grace was happy to have some alone time with Mommy.

...we stopped at Target on the way home and spent the rest of the afternoon outside flying kites and playing with Noah while Daddy got in some bball with our neighbor, Joe. Grace talked me into letting them paint, and they had a blast getting messy while making their masterpieces.

What's up, gangster Char?

#1 Cuddler! The perfect sticker for this snuggle bug.

...that evening, I caught Daddy reading the girls books in their play room complete with character voices.

...Char finally peed on the potty after a full week of trying! We made a super big deal out of it, so here's hoping it gets easier.

What a week! See you next time <3

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