Birthday at the Beach

Since we had such a great time at the beach last month, we decided to take another trip for Gracie's birthday. We figured a party would cost close to the same, and she already has way too many toys. A weekend in Newport would be much more fun! We invited some friends and made plans to head down first thing Saturday morning. The girls were great the whole way, and none of us could wait to get to the beach. 

We stayed at a hotel that was literally across the street from the pier. It was perfect, because we could walk back and forth to the beach whenever we wanted. Our room wasn't quite ready when we checked in, so we decided to go grab lunch at Ruby's Diner.

As we made our way down the pier, Gracie spotted a seal swimming below and immediately named him "Duck". The girls loved watching him swim around.

Since it was Gracie's birthday, we got a table on the rooftop. It was so nice to enjoy our lunch while watching the ocean. Our waitress brought Grace some ice cream and sang to her. She was so shy and embarrassed!

After lunch we went back to the hotel to take our stuff to our room and get ready for the beach.

The Sebastians finally arrived, and the kiddos couldn't wait to get into the water. We brought our UNLV pop-up shade, lots of beach toys, an ice chest, and a radio. It only took us a few minutes, and we were all set up and ready to go. The kids had so much fun splashing around in the water, jumping over and running from waves, and playing in the sand. It was awesome to watch them all having such a great time.

Noah kept asking Isaac to "come hit some waves" with him. 

We found a ladybug in the sand, and the girls were afraid of it. (It is a bug!)

The girls destroyed my sand castle before I even really got it going. Apparently, it's way more fun to stomp on it than to build it.

Char got sleepy and took a cat nap in her little tent.

Daddy found Grace a huge seashell and helped the kids dig a giant hole in the sand.

Char made a "Ninja Turtle" and kept talking to it.

Noah and Gracie thought it was so fun to get wet, roll around in the sand, and then run back into the water. They were having such a blast!

Char spotted Daddy laying down, and soaked him with some cold water.

Can't believe my big girl is FOUR years old!!

(Thanks for the photo bomb, Noah!)

After a long afternoon on the beach, we decided to head back to the room to get showered up and meet at BJ's across the street for dinner. We had a blast drinking beers and eating pizookies while the kids colored and played.

Since the kids were all tuckered out, Shelly and I took them back to our rooms to go to bed. Nick and Isaac decided to head to Cabo for a few drinks and ended up chilling at the Cigar Bar for a few hours. It was a much needed night of relaxation for Father's Day.

The next morning, we had breakfast at the hotel before making our way back to the beach. Since we were so early this time, we got an even better spot and got to enjoy the overcast morning. It was so peaceful and quiet.

It didn't take long before the kids were ready to run back into the water.

Shelly and I built this awesome sand castle, anddd then the kids destroyed it.

Those curls!

My kids can seriously sleep anywhere!

A few hours later, we were all beached out. We showered on the pier and headed to the Balboa Fun Zone where we had some barbecue for lunch and let the kids play on the Motion in the Ocean jumper. Charley was so serious the whole time, and Grace finally decided to try it out, but only after Char went first.

Finally, we rode the ferris wheel before heading back home.

We had such a great time! It's always fun when the Sebastians are around, and I just love watching all of our kids play and have fun together. This may be a new summer tradition for our families! We already can't wait to head back to the beach :)

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