Last Week...'s freaking hot out here, so Shelly made it rain (not like that) in the front yard with a garden hose, and the kids had a blast running around in the water. Charley loved it so much, she got her chair out of the garage and sat right under it.

...when the sun started setting, we let the kiddos do sparklers. It's one of their favorite things to do.

...the girls were pooped after all of that playing and passed out while watching Wall-E.

...we moved our Apple TV (seriously need a couple more, because it's all we watch anymore) into our bedroom, and the girls and I watched The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea and took silly selfies in bed.

(Char's new thing is to hold up a number one in know, because she's the best and all.)

...they played footsie with each other when the movie was over.

...Char got into Grace's jewelry box and snuck some necklaces and bracelets into bed. When I started taking pictures of her, she started making faces at herself in the camera.

...she slept next to me all night, because we're getting ready to move them upstairs, and I just know I'm going to miss having them with me at all times.

...Char brought this home, and excitedly said "I made buff-eye fah mom-mee". Getting little surprises like this is one of my favorite things about having them in school.

...we ate ice cream at 8:30 on a school/work night, because we can.

...Char wanted to sleep in her own bed, and giggled at the camera flash when I tried getting a picture of her crazy hair to send to Grandma.

...I got my nails done neon pink for our upcoming trip to Newport.

...the girls played in Grace's bed. They love to put allll of their little Beanie Boos in there and throw them at each other. They get one at almost every least every time we come across one that they don't have, and they make sure to point that out to us. Then they just sit in a box by their beds until this weekly occurrence happens and Mommy has to put them all away again before bed time.

...Grace woke up early Saturday, put on her "maker apron", and made me breakfast in bed.

...the girls wrestled with Daddy as per usual...another one of their favorite things to do.

...we went to Fausto's for breakfast burritos.

...since we have eight gigantic boxes full of baby clothes in the garage, I decided to go through them and store them in these vacuum bags. While going through them, I donated two full trash bags, threw away the ones that were stained, and still had these two large bags filled with 0-6 and 6-12 month clothes to store away. Now I only have six more boxes to go through!

...the girls used some of their old clothes to dress their baby dolls (and their puppies?) and thought it was so funny to sit on top of the big bags of clothes. Such weirdos, these two.

...Matt and Lola rode with us to our cousins house to hang out by the pool. The girls loved having crazy Lola in the car. Frannie and I had appointments to get our hair cut, and she was already out there.

...after watching a few weeks of the Real Housewives of New York, I became obsessed with Kristin Taekman's hair. It's super cute and perfect for summer. I texted Lisa a picture and couldn't wait to get it done.

...I looked back through some old pictures and couldn't believe that in exactly one year, my hair grew this much. That pretty much solidified my decision, because if I didn't like my hair cut, it would grow back super fast.

...We started by putting my hair in a low pony tail and chopping it off. This part freaked me out a little, but I had my hair cut this short two years ago, so it wasn't too dramatic. After some highlights, we were all finished, and I absolutely love it!!

...after hanging out by the pool at Nia's for a while longer, we headed home and decided to get the Miguel Cotto fight (because I'm also obsessed with him and his super hot Puerto Rican lips) at the last minute at the Gerfy's. Charley loved watching the fight and was so into it. Thankfully, Cotto kicked Sergio Martinez's tush.

...Sunday morning, the girls watched movies in a fort, because I had a migraine that lasted three days.

...I played around with my new hair and practiced styling it.

That's all for now. See you next week!

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