Last Week...

...the girls stayed the night with Grandpa and Grandma Espejo on Sunday, while Isaac and I spent the night dancing away at Mike and Molly's wedding. When we went to pick them up on Monday morning, they were splashing around in the jacuzzi.

...since it was Memorial Day, we barbecued with the Unertls. We made wayyyy too much food for seven people (especially since three of them don't eat very much). Char enjoyed lots of corn on the cob, Jakson let me snuggle him for a few minutes at a time, and we played in the back yard. I spent an hour filling up tons of water balloons, only to come inside to find the girls sleeping when I had finished.

...Char watched her iPad in the most uncomfortable looking position.

...we finally got to put my water balloons to use and had a water fight with all of the neighbor boys after school on Tuesday. Our neighborhood is seriously the best!!

...Grace asked me to take a picture of her with her backpack that Grammy got her.

...we found out that Thrifty's ice cream came to a store near our house, so we met the Sebastians for dessert. SO DELISH!!

...Charley and Jameson hugged it out.

...the girls watched movies together in Gracie's bed.

...Daddy took turns throwing the girls around the room which ended in a tickle per usual. I don't think there is anything these girls love more than wrestling with their Daddy when he gets home from work.

...Charley fell asleep on my lap while we were sitting on the couch watching the playoffs. Guess she doesn't like the NBA very much either.

...we stopped in Starbucks, since we were running early for school for once and had some extra time to kill. The girls loved picking out their own pastries while we waited for my coffee.

...we had dinner at the Unertls, and Charley's obsession with baby Jakson continued.

...I had two fitted sheets rip across the middle while I was putting them on my bed. TWO in a row. What the heck? My Hulk muscles must be acting up again. Charley thought it was funny and wanted to sleep like this.

...Isaac and Matt went hiking again and made sure to take some Miller Lite with them this time. I got this text about two hours after they left the house.

...we spent the rest of Saturday lounging in the Gerfy's pool soaking up the sun. Grace and Charley loved crawling across the shallow end pretending to swim. Eight hours later, we all took showers and went to bed early.


(Charley and Lola sharing goldfish.)

(Just dancing on the big deal.)

...Sunday morning, I was painting my toenails really quickly, when the girls noticed and wanted theirs painted, too.

(Don't mind Grace's red feet. Apparently, she dragged them around the bottom of the pool too much the day before.)

...Grace serenaded Charley in their play room. Aren't we over this song yet? Thankfully, my phone ran out of memory pretty quickly (as it always does), so you don't have to endure very much of it.

...Sunday, Elisha got us a cabana at the Westin in Lake Las Vegas. The Sebastians joined us for another pool day, and we had a blast. They had a huge water slide, and Noah, Easton, and Gracie went on it a bajillion times. I was so proud of Grace. She would come down, swim over to the edge, and climb out to go again. Her floaties really helped her confidence, and she was swimming like a little fishy all over the place!

Such a fun week with all of our best friends! I just love summer!! 

(Although, Charley was wearing her boots around the house the other day, and I totally got excited for Ugg boots and sweater weather. Can you believe we're almost half way to Christmas already?!?!)

See you next week :)

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