Last Week...

...every day when I pick the girls up from school, they say, "I want to go get Toodles! I wonder what he's doing?" They love coming home to this sweet little guy.

...I had painted their nails the night before, and I swear, every time it comes off within a day. I don't get it.

...I've been trying to get caught up on True Blood before the final season ends, so Char laid in bed with me and watched her iPad while I watched a few episodes.

...after bath time, they went outside to help Daddy water their pumpkin plants and orange tree. It turned into spinning each other on the swings like crazy people.

...Char always brings home the cutest little projects from school. We just love her teacher, Miss "Teh-wuh" Tara.

...Daddy played with the girls in usual wresting fashion when he got home from work.

...I got my nails done in anticipation of the Fourth of July.

(Go see Tiffani at Posare! She's the best in the biz!!)

...Grace showed off her awesome dance moves.

...the girls looked extra cute when I dropped them off at school the next day. Plus, I had to get a picture of Charley in her adorable Gap swimsuit (it was water day) that I scored for $4.08 (someone screwed that one up)!

...Toodles snuggled next to me on the couch.

...Charley was cracking me up, because I was tickling her until she said, "I don't want to tickle!", and then as soon as I would stop, she'd say, "again! again!".

...the girls got some new Highlights magazines in the mail from Poppa and Gran (thanks again, guys!), and Grace taught Charley how to do the "Look and Find" sections.

...I noticed after a while, that they were having a marker war instead of coloring in the magazines. Charley fell asleep before bath time and there was no way I was waking her up. This girl needs her beauty sleep, or she'll be cranky the whole next day.

(And what a sleeping beauty she is!)

...we have been talking about making the girls a mermaid bedroom upstairs ever since we saw these amazing mermaid paintings at the Silverton Aquarium last year. I finally came across some bedding at Pottery Barn Kids that I knew would be perfect. I ordered it, and we decided that it was time to get going on their big girl room.

...we went to the mall and the girls had to ride on these giant animals as soon as they spotted them. They got to steer them on their own and thought it was the coolest thing ever.

...of course I had to stop in Gap, so Daddy let the girls play in the kids area while I shopped.

...Toodles slept in bed with us, right on top of my belly.

...Charley helped her Great Poppa pick some fresh tomatoes from his little garden.

...we went to the Linq for dinner with Matt, Frannie, Danny, and Kylee. The Mexican restaurant we ate at had the most delicious corn on the cob. Even Char loved it. After dinner, we walked around, shopped, snapped some pictures, and hit up the cupcake ATM. The girls had fun and kept calling The High Roller the bubble ride.

(We just love these guys!)

...Saturday morning, Grace played with her kitty and kept asking me to take pictures of her, "one with Toodles. Hold on, let me get Charley. Ok, one with Charley. Hold on, let me get Daddy. Daddy! Get in here, quick!"

...when Daddy finally came in the room, they talked him into getting on the ground to play with them. My heart melts every time I see them giggle so hard and smile at their daddy. They love him so much!

...we decided to hang by the pool for the day with Matt, Frannie, Danny, and Kylee. The girls loved splashing around, riding the jet ski, and showing off their swimming skills.

...they watched their iPads, and Charley napped for a couple of hours. I swear this girl can sleep anywhere.

...after the girls went to bed that night, Toodles took a turn watching movies on the iPad before retiring to my nightstand to sleep. I love his random long, white hairs that stick out through the black. He's the cutest!

...we tested some paint colors in the girls' room and decided on a version of 'tame teal' made a little lighter.

...Sunday morning we tried out a new breakfast spot called Baby Stacks. We weren't very impressed, and I don't think we'll be going back. Although, Charley really dug their fruit.

...Sunday, we got ready to head over to Easton's birthday party. He is two weeks younger than Grace, so he was turning four, also. We had such a blast playing on this ginormous water slide that Shelly rented, eating birthday cake, and having hours long water fights in their back yard. Such a blast with some of the greatest people you'll ever meet! We love our neighbors and their families <3


...after all of that fun, the whole family took a nap (while I caught up on some more True Blood episodes).

...Charley woke up for dinner, and went right back to sleep for the night.

What a fun week! See you next time :)

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