Last Week...

...on the way home from work on Monday, I stopped to check the mail. It was a good thing that Isaac was working late, because I got a ton of packages that day. Can you tell I'm so ready for spring to come?

...the girls snacked and played outside with their neighbor friends. Little Phoebe and Char are super close in age, so it's nice to see them finally getting to play outside together now that they're both big enough to run amok with the bigger kids. They had fun swinging the jump rope around and around.

...Char asked sweetly for me to put Toodles in bed with her while we waited for Gracie to finish her shower. When she noticed I was trying to take a picture of her, she pulled out her favorite photo face. What is it with this kid?

...Grace face took a shower all by herself and even brushed her teeth, brushed her hair, and got her "pajammies" on before getting into bed. How is she this big? 

(That beauty mark under her right eye is my favorite thing. It reminds me of Sophia Bush, whom I've always loved.)

...I got my nails done and went a little dark, since it will probably be my last winter session. It's been so warm and beautiful here lately. We've even been wearing shorts in February!

...Char helped Daddy make us brownies and loved stirring the batter by herself.

...she stole Daddy's hat and wanted me to take a "pitcher".

...Charley kept yelling that the moon was following us as we drove to school, and Grace told her that God painted the sky for us.

...we went to Ventano's to celebrate Isaac's 29th birthday, and Char pulled her favorite pose again. 

(Happy Birthday, Daddy!! We love you!)

...Char slept so peacefully. This girl has always been a blanky baby. She always asks for her "liddow blanky" before bed. It's her favorite light pink one with a monkey on the corner. Since she left it at school, she decided that her "boo poke-a-dod blanky" would do.

...she wore her Buzz Lightyear wings while Daddy worked out in the garage.

...Friday we went to Run Plus Fun for Scarlett's 4th Birthday party. The girls had a blast playing with their friends and having ball and balloon fights with them. We love these guys so, so much!

(Happy Birthday, Scarlett!!)

...Saturday we met Auntie Allison and Alex at King Putt's for some arcade games and miniature golf. We had so much fun teaching the girls how to play golf in the dark.

...after golf, we went to Town Square for lunch/dinner at I Luv Burgers and then went to see the movie Strange Magic. Char wore her cutest new moccs from Freshly Picked. I wasn't sure about getting the girls moccasins before, because I didn't know if they were made to be worn like shoes. I got Char some Minnie Mouse ones for Disneyland, and they stayed dryer than my Ugg boots and Grace's tennis shoes. The girls love how easy they are to get on and off, but they stay on well and look adorable, too. We've invested in a few more pairs from a few of my new favorite Instagram shops, and we can't wait for them to come in!

...Grace was so silly before bed time, and she made sure to line her Little Ponies up to sleep with her in bed. angel sleeper looked so sweet as she slept that night, so I couldn't help but to take a picture of her (like I do almost every night and have since she was born). She wasn't feeling well and kept coughing until she'd throw up in the middle of the night. I felt so bad for her. Look at those red little cheeks. Poor baby!

(Isn't she just the sweetest sleeper, though? Gahhh! Those lipsss!)

...we spent Sunday at the park with Allison, Alex, and the Sebastians. I thought it'd be good to get Char out in the sun to help her feel better. No one feels good when you're cooped up in the house all day. We had Friendly's Donuts and rode scooters around the track. Char and Daddy played catch, and the kids had fun on the playground with their besties.

...The sun helped, and Char was feeling much better that night. We played Olaf's in Trouble with the girls. They were hilarious, because they kept trying to switch who was what color, and they would get so mad if their pieces got sent back to "home". I don't think they quite get the concept of board games just yet.

See ya next week :)

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