Last Week...

...I always know the time change is approaching when I get views like these while driving to work in the mornings.

...Grace asked me if she was really tall when she noticed her legs looked super long in her shadow.

...Charley was really excited for her breakfast croissant. 

...we went to the Rebel game where the girls enjoyed popcorn. It's so nice to be able to watch from our suite, because the girls can pretty much do as they please. Grace even brought her puppy, Lucky, to watch with her.

...I came across this and immediately sent it to Kasie in anticipation of Valentine's Day.

...we had more stunning views as we drove to school on Thursday. I love how the sunlight makes the mountains pink for a few minutes each day.

...we spent some time with Poppa and Grandma, and of course the girls had cereal while we were there.

...they drove around the neighborhood in their Cadi.

...when Grace was done, Char decided to test out her driving skills and did surprisingly well. She even gave little Phoebe a ride,

...we had Wahoo's for dinner with these wahoos.

...I watched the wedding on Vanderpump Rules, and Grace made me rewind it more than a few times. This girl is already dreaming of her future fairy tale wedding.

...we made these sweet Valentines for the girls' classmates.

...the girls had their Valentine's Day party at school on Friday and wore their best LOVE outfits.

...when I picked Char up, she was chowing down on some chocolate covered strawberries and refused to leave until she was finished.

...the girls had dance class Friday and are really just thriving at their new studio. 

...Charley was the cutest teddy bear after her bath Saturday morning.

...I gave her the sweetest little french braid, and she couldn't keep her eyes open while I got sister ready for the day.

...we took the girls to see The Spongebob Movie: 3D, because they had been begging us to (even though they've never even seen the TV show). We followed the movie up with an afternoon at Gameworks.

...I thought this Valentine I came across was perfect after the Seahawks' Superbowl fiasco.

...while Allison and Alex watched the girls, we had a Valentine's date night with Matt and Frannie at Gaetano's. The food was delicious, but the company was better.

(Love you guys!!)

...the girls were super excited Sunday morning, because we were going to find out that the Gerfy baby was a girl!

...we had a blast at the gender reveal party and are so so excited for our besties!

See ya next week :)

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