Downtown Container Park

Since the weather has been so beautiful lately, we decided to meet my sisters at Downtown Container Park. None of us had been, and we were surprised with a Chinese New Year lion parade that started as we were walking in. The girls loved it!

Char even got a kiss from one.

After the parade, we stopped in a candy store and got some candy necklaces and alligator pops that would entertain them while we walked around.

We came across this huge tree house with slides, and the girls loved climbing all over it. Isaac took Chase down the slides, but he wasn't impressed.

Whenever Charley sees a baby, she immediately starts playing peek-a-boo. It's really the cutest thing you'll ever see. She's the sweetest girl around.

Once the kids were all tuckered out, we headed back to our table to sip on some beers and relax in the sun. I don't think the day could have been more gorgeous.

After some strawberry lemonade, the girls were ready for round two. They made some friends and built these fun tunnels to crawl through.

Charley saw the bigger kids playing this game where you hit the button when it lights up and decided to join in. 

Grace came to get her, and it was back to the tree house for more running and climbing.

Whenever Grace gets worn out, she starts to stare off in to space and tells me, "my eyes are blind, mom!". This is how I know she needs a nap.

The girls hopped in their stroller, and we wandered to the other side of the park where there was a big field, some couches, and a toy store. We grabbed a couch and got some fun toys for the kids (and the grown ups) to play with.

I got Chase some little cars, and he looked like such a big boy running around with the girls.

We used the foam blocks to build a slide for their new balls, and they had fun chasing them around.

We also got these little flyers, so of course it turned into a battle to see who could get theirs higher (Isaac won).

We stayed for dinner and until it was dark.

Who knew this place was so much fun. We spent the entire day playing and enjoying some beers along with the sunshine. I think we can add another place to our list of favorite things to do outdoors in Las Vegas!

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