It's a Girl!! {Gerfy Baby Gender Reveal}

Have I mentioned that our best friends are having a baby this summer? We're a little excited about it. I think Isaac and I have been waiting for this forever, because we've always talked about our kids growing up together and taking Disney Cruises together. Plus, they'll be (third?) cousins, and who doesn't love adding more babies to the family?

Last Sunday, after weeks and weeks of anticipation, it was finally time to find out if Matt and Frannie's little bundle is a boy or a girl. Per usual, Carole and Suzette went all out on a pink and blue theme with way more food than there were people. They are the greatest party planners/decorators around (can you imagine this child's birthday every year?)

None of us wanted to wait any longer to find out what we'd be holding in a few months. Everyone had different guesses. Frannie had a feeling it was a boy but wanted a girl, Matt thought it was probably a girl, and I just knew it was a girl (mainly because I keep finding the most adorable baby stuff when I'm shopping for my girls, and I need someone to buy it for). I kept seeing this picture we took of them holding Gracie together just hours after she was born, so in my head, they would be holding their own sweet, little baby girl.

Finally, what we were all waiting for...

It's a girl!! They were obviously over the moon with excitement as everyone else started screaming and crying happy tears.

I don't think anyone's excitement beat the newest Grandma's. They are so thrilled to have their own a new baby to spoil.

Suzie already knew it was a girl and had already purchased some adorable outfits for her new granddaughter.

We are all so excited to have another girl to add to our group!

The girls were excited, too. Grace and Char knew it was a girl from the beginning and picked out some pretty awesome names for them to consider including Flower Garden or Rainbow Girl.

We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging around the pool laughing and gossiping. The girls love to play with all of our friends and consider them their friends, too. I love watching them interact with the guys, and Charley had a blast splashing them all with pool water.

We couldn't be more thrilled for Matt and Frannie to experience parenthood with a baby girl to dote on. They are going to be the best parents, and we can't wait to meet her!

I sent Frannie a picture of all of the infant bows I have saved for her. Baby Gerfy has a pretty good start to her hair accessory collection already.

I've also been ordering those newborn items I was talking about. I die every time one comes in, and I love it more than the last. Normally, you wouldn't catch me touching Steelers gear, but I made an exception for them and have a Steelers bow headband on the way. This little girl is going to be so loved!

We love you guys! Congratulations, again <3

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