Last Week...

...Isaac and I were off work Monday in honor of the Fourth of July. We got a cabana at the Westin and took the girls swimming that morning. They had their big celebration the night before, and the pool water was pretty murky and gross. After two hours, we decided to head home. home, Daddy and Perry napped, while I painted with the girls. They had so much fun and even painted rainbow hand print fireworks.

...after dinner, we headed over to Papa Rick and Grammy's for fireworks. Grace and Char did tons of sparklers, while Perry slept almost the entire time in her wrap.

...the park near my parents' house does a huge firework show every year. We found an empty lot a little higher up and had the best view of the beautiful fireworks. I was surprised that the "booms" didn't wake Perry. She slept like an angel the entire time.

...Tuesday morning was back to our regular routine. The girls went to school, and Perry napped the day away at the office. I ordered these matching outfits for them long before Perry was born, and I love how adorable they look in them!

...Perr Bear had her two month check up that afternoon and was perfect on her two month birthday.

...since she had to get shots, Perry was extra sleepy that afternoon. Gracie snuggled her, while they watched Tangled.

...while Perr napped, I took Gracie and Char outside to play and get some energy out before bedtime.

...then I got some snuggle time in with Perry, while the girls showered and got ready for bed.

...the girls were being extra silly on Wednesday.

...Perry napped in her swing, and I couldn't get over her chunky baby toes.

...on the way to school the next morning, we stopped at Starbucks, and the girls got their Passion Tea.

...Perry hung out with Auntie at the office on Friday.

...we had a date night at Top Golf on Friday night, and Allison and Alex drove with us, so we played with Perry on Snapchat in the back seat.

...Perr was such a good girl and hung out with Daddy until our bay was ready for us.

...we golfed and sipped on strawberry margaritas, while Perry slept. It was so much fun!

...she stayed asleep when we got home, changed her, and put her in bed.

...the next morning, we got ready to pick the girls up from Papa and Grammy's, and Perry was over my photo taking.

...she napped when we got home. She loves to pull her blankie up over her face, and I'm constantly having to save her.

...the girls got a Christmas gift from my mom where they get a new book and a craft to do each month for the whole year. This month, Char's was all about camping. She made a campfire and a bear backpack, and the girls have been loving "roasting" their hot dogs and s'mores on it.

...Charley took care of her babies using Perry's stuff downstairs. She's the best little mama.

...when the girls went out back to play, our neighbors invited them over to swim. They loved hanging out with the girls next door, and Noah and Easton joined in, too.

...Char snuggled with Perr, and baby's face was cracking me up.

...we made lemon cake to take over to Chad and Geni's that night to watch the fights, and Charley was the best helper.

...Perr did some more napping.

...she discovered her tongue and loves to stick it out all the time now.

...Sunday morning, we played out back before it got too hot. Perry obviously isn't a fan of Daddy's scratchy beard.

...surprise...she napped some more. This girl loves her blanky and always has a tight little grip on it.

...she took selfies when she woke up, ate some lunch, and went right back to sleep.

...later that evening, we went over to Papa and Grammy's for dinner, and the girls took turns holding sister.

...I caught Daddy snuggling up to Perr in the middle of the night.

...I thought this was pretty appropriate. My mind works this way most of the time.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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