Last Week...

...Perry started smiling recently and gives us big smiles all the time now. Especially right after she wakes up in the morning or from a nap.

...she snoozed at work all day Monday and ended up using her bow as an eye mask.

...we did tummy time when we got home that evening.

...Perr was totally intrigued by Shark Week. She's really starting to watch the TV now and couldn't take her eyes off of it.

...she's also really loving the bath and soaking in the warm water before bed.

...she slept for six hours straight afterwards.

...Gracie wore her cute flamingo skirt from Kack Design and looked adorable.

...Perr Bear continued to snooze through her days while looking as cute as ever.

...the girls played together after school.

...Perry hung out in her Bumbo, and Toodles noticed her for the first time.

...we snuggled, and, as per usual, she made sure her blankie was on her face.

...Grace and Charley spent the day with Grandma Sunshine on Wednesday, and she took them to get mani/pedis, shopping at The Disney Store, and to see Finding Dory again. They had the best day and even got to ride animals around the mall.

...Perry was hot and ditched her clothes. Girl is really chunking up.

...we did tummy time, and she showed off her strength.

...we went to dinner with the family for Chase's birthday, and Perry hung out with Kaitlyn.

...Auntie got lots of smiles from her at work.

...we had another niece born into the family (on my dad's side) on Thursday. She's so sweet and looks so much like her daddy, James. Love you already, little one!

...we had a huge storm move in that afternoon, which made baby extra sleepy. rained so hard in such a short period of time that all of the roads were flooded driving home. The freeways were basically shut down, and it took us an hour-and-a-half to get home from work. Some places got so much hail that it looked like it had snowed.

...the girls wanted to stay outside when we got home, and it was so nice and cool outside after all the rain. sprinkled, and Perr got her first experience with raindrops.

...we saw a beautiful rainbow.

...Thursday night was Chase's birthday party, so we hung out at the Randall's to celebrate.

(Happy Birthday, buddy!)

...Perry continued her obsession with Little Unicorn blankets and her Dockatot.

...she slept some more on Friday and spent some time snuggling with Daddy at work.

...we went to Easton's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, and the girls had a blast. Charley driving this race car cracks me up, because she's so little, she can barely see over the steering wheel.

(Grace's buddy Levi from Kindergarten)

(Happy Birthday, Eastie!)

...Perry looked for Daddy while Carrie held her.

...and surprise, surprise...she slept some more. Easiest baby ever!

...we spent the weekend in Newport having an amazingly fun time with the girls.

That's all for now. See ya next week :)

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