Last Week...

...Perry continued to sleep the day away at work. As long as she keeps sleeping, she'll get to keep coming with me. The plan is to put her in day care when Gracie starts first grade or when Perr starts being more awake and active - whichever comes first.

...she is still loving bath time and would sit and soak in the warm water all night if you'd let her.

...she made the sweetest faces in her sleep at work on Tuesday.

...she's really liking her swing. This week she sat in there each day after the girls' swim lessons and watched Disney Junior. She loves watching TV just like Gracie did. was so hot outside, and she napped on my shoulder, while I watched big sisters swim.

...Grace and Charley are doing great in their second week of swim lessons. Look at these girls go!

...I finished folding laundry and came into the living room to see that Char had given Perry some toys to snuggle with.

...Perry is doing this new thing where she tries to sit up any time you lay her on her back. Charley always did the same thing. She just squeezes her little tummy muscles and sits half way up for as long as she can. She'll have abs of steel in no time.

...she napped in her swing almost every evening.

...we played on the floor to let her work her little legs out.

...I kept hiding behind the camera and one of the times that I said "boo" really scared the poor kiddo.

...Charley helped her do some tummy time.

...I just can't get enough of these sweet baby rolls.

...Perr chewed on my fingers. She can't be teething already, can she?

...we snuggled before bed time. These moments are getting too few and far between already.

...Perry attended her first meeting, which made everyone happier.

...she fell asleep after all that hard work.

...Friday, Grandpa and Grandma Espejo picked the girls up from school and swam with them all afternoon. They said the girls were jumping in the deep end and swimming all over the place without wearing floaties once! 

...they really tired them out, too! This was on the way home from their house.

...Saturday we met Gracie's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Grant, for lunch with the Sebastians. The kids had so much fun running amok at Blaze Pizza, while the grown-ups enjoyed catching up. Afterwards, we went to the mall to get Gracie's backpack and some school supplies for first grade. She picked out the cutest blue sparkly one with a matching lunchbox and water bottle. While we were in Justice, she even got some super skinny dark wash jeans in a size 7 slim. I can't even believe this girl is growing so fast. She's practically a teenager, and I am so proud of the sweet, loving, sassy girl boss that she is. On the way out, she and Charley asked if they could take a picture in front of the water and held each other's hands. Gahhhh!

...when we got home, Perry and I snuggled in bed.

...I found these pictures on Daddy's phone and loved them. Especially Perry's chins in the first one.

...Saturday night, we went to the Medrano's surprise vow renewal. It was such a blast seeing so many friends and neighbors. The kids had fun playing with Addy and Cam, and we loved catching up with everyone. Rudy and Sam have so much love in their family, and it was such a beautiful night. Thanks for letting us be a part of your special night, guys! You truly are an inspiration to all of us.

...they had some Hawaiian dancers, and after a minute, Char asked me, "Mom, are they wearing panties?". It was too funny!

...Sunday morning, Daddy and Perry played.

...she took a bath and liked having Gracie watching over her.

...we went to Grandma Sunshine's for the afternoon to visit with Great Grandma Di. It was so great to see her and catch up with her! Of course the cousins loved playing together.

...the big girls slept over at Grandma's and sent us this picture before bed time.

...meanwhile, Perry got to be an only child for the night. She decided to sleep on her side for the first time, which had me checking on her lots more than usual. I'm always waking up to make sure she's OK, because she loves to cover her face with her blankies when we aren't looking. Thankfully, they're super light.

...and this. Maybe next week?

See you next time!

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