Last Week...

...Perry slept at the office on Monday and smiled sweetly as she day dreamed.

...she checked out all of the trucks coming back into the yard at the end of the day.

...Grace and Char started swim lessons. They are going Monday through Wednesday for four weeks. Since they can both already swim just fine with floaties on, I'm expecting pro swimmers when they're done.

...Perr Bear did tummy time with some friends.

...she hung out at work Tuesday and even had some conversations with us.

...the girls sat in the window at Grammy's while waiting for their swim teacher to arrive.

...they both are doing so well for only their second day. I can't imagine how good they'll be in a few weeks.

...while they swam, Perry napped on the couch outside.

...Char smothered her with big sister kisses when she was done swimming.

...Perry napped at Grammy's while the girls swam on Wednesday.

...yes, please.

...Perry looked so cute at work on Thursday and even gave us some of the biggest smiles when we talked to her.

...Char snuggled with sister after school.

...we went to the cabin Friday, so Auntie Allison picked the girls up from school and sent me this picture.

...Perry waited patiently for her big sisters to get to the office so we could leave. we drove up to the cabin, we saw lots of deer. There was even one drinking out of the pond as we pulled up.

...Perry loved hanging out on the back porch where it was much cooler than back home.

...the big kids had a blast running all over the place.

...Saturday was our Moyes' Family Reunion. Since it was at the cabin, we got ready early and started to help get everything set up. The girls loved being able to explore all over the place.

...when cousins started arriving, they all colored and ran around out back.

...we had to get some sweet pictures with our kiddos and Great Grandma Beth. We were all so happy to see her!

...everyone had a blast playing games, getting tattoos, and splashing around in the pool.

...guess what Perry did? Yup! This girl slept almost the entire time.

...we moved her downstairs for the raffle, and she slept peacefully as we all chatted and caught up with everyone.

...Grace showed off her hula hooping skills. of my favorite things to do at the cabin is watch the hummingbirds that always seem to be fighting over the feeder in the early mornings and late evenings. We hung out on the patio relaxing after a busy day and enjoyed the beauty of the mountains.

...Sunday morning the girls had some crazy bed head, but I had to get a picture of their matching jammies.

...we got ready and played out back for a little while before it was time to go.

...we got home around noon, and Perry was starving after sleeping the whole way home. She was giving me her lip, so I tried to get a picture, and she let me have it. I fed her, and she was instantly my happy girl again.

...she spent the afternoon playing with sisters and doing some tummy time with Char cheering her on.

Another fun week in the books! See you next time.

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