Back Into Perspective

For Labor Day, we decided to go to the cabin with my family. We left Friday after work and got there pretty late. After some dinner and dessert, we went to bed, and Perry slept peacefully in her DockATot.

The next morning, we relaxed around the house watching the news and taking in the scenery.

Perry took her usual morning nap, and Daddy joined her.

We all got ready for the day, and Perr and I hung out on the patio while everyone got ready to leave.

We took the girls fishing at our favorite spot, Aspen Mirror Lake. It's a little hike to get to the lake, and the kids always have a blast exploring.

Daddy wore Perry in the Baby Bjorn the entire time, and she didn't make a peep. She just hung out watching everyone else do their thing and even took a nap.

It wasn't long before we caught our first fish, and Charley wasn't afraid to touch it.

Gracie fished the entire time and caught the most - three fish! It was funny, because everyone else caught one, and she kept asking why she couldn't. After she finally caught one, she said, "Charley told me a trick. I just told God, 'Please, God, can I catch a fish?', and then I got one!".

We ended up catching twelve altogether, and we all had a blast doing so. I kept baiting everyone's hooks, and then spraying my hands with this lavender sanitizer. We were convinced that the fish liked the lavender on the bait, and that's why we were catching more than anyone around us.

Perry was obviously impressed with our haul when she woke up.

Back at the cabin, Isaac and Grammy cleaned all of the fish and got them ready for the grill.

Meanwhile, Perry got into her snuggly jammies that Grammy got for her. I just happened to bring the perfect head wrap to go with them. Charley thought she looked pretty cute, too, and wanted to hold her on the couch.

The next morning, we got all ready for some more exploring. Gracie wore her new Alice and Ames twirl dressed, and fell in love with the way it twirled around.

Charley then wanted her picture taken and wanted to show off her twirly skirt, too.

Chase saw me taking pictures and wanted to be in them, too.

Charley always wants to hold Perry, and she's getting better now that Perr is stronger and can help a little.

We made our way up the driveway to find Grace riding around with Poppa. Naturally, Char and Chase wanted a turn, too.

We took a picture of the cousins before everyone went on a ride. I stayed back with the babies, because Razor rides aren't really my thing. They came back pretty quickly, because apparently Razor rides aren't really Grace's thing either.

We decided to take the kids on a hike to the ice caves only to discover that you can drive right up to them. They still had a blast exploring.

Once we climbed down into the cave, it was cold and dark. I was surprised that the kids weren't scared at all. It was pretty muddy, though, because almost all of the ice was melted.

Back outside the cave, we hung out like bumps on a log, literally. 

I found a horned lizard that we made Daddy catch. The girls were fascinated by it, but Charley fell in love and really wanted to bring him home. She was so cute holding him and petting him.

When we finally talked Char into leaving, we went back to the cabin and relaxed out front.

The girls danced their little tushes off and asked Daddy to video them.

Later that night, we went on a deer run. It's hard to capture pictures of the deer in this light, but I did get a good one of the beautiful sunset.

It was dark when we got back, so we lit a fire and roasted marshmallows for s'mores.

Since I've recently been taking barre classes, and the only one Labor Day morning was early, Isaac drove us home late that night. All three of the girls slept the whole way home, and it was so peaceful.

We had such a fun weekend, and we already can't wait to go back again. There is just something about being up in the mountains that lets your mind relax and puts everything in life back in to perspective.

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