Surfrider Beach

After we left the zoo, we headed back to the condo and hung out inside. The girls begged us to go play on the beach, and who are we to say no to them on vacation?

We all got our swim suits on, and went to play in the waves on Surfrider Beach. We had brought our own beach gear along, but they had a lot more at the condo, which was perfect. The girls brought along some sand toys, and threw them down to run into the water immediately.

Perry and I got our stuff all set up, and she chilled under the big umbrella, while Daddy helped sisters find seashells.

This seagull kept walking right up to us, and he was getting a little too close for comfort with the baby laying there.

The girls had such a blast playing in the waves. This beach was pretty flat, and the water would go out far before coming back in. This allowed them to walk far out into the sand, and they loved running back when the water started rolling back in.

Perry and I joined them, because they were having so much fun, and we wanted to play, too.

Perry's dinner time rolled around, and the beach was basically like a private beach, so I was able to nurse her, while we played. Daddy took some pictures, and they might just be some of my favorite ever of myself and my girls.

The girls continued to play in the waves, hunt for seashells, and look over the soft beach pebbles that lined the shore.

After Perry ate, we put her toes in the water. She didn't mind standing in the wet sand, but she was not a happy camper when the cold water splashed on her.

The girls finally made it back to their beach toys and started building sand castles. We saw a couple of dead bees, and Grace had a freak out moment. She wouldn't walk in the sand, because there were bees everywhere. Daddy had her point them out, because we couldn't see any besides the first couple. It turns out they were just clumps of sand sticking together, and she calmed down once he showed her.

Perry chilled on the shore some more, while sisters played in the sand.

She hung out with Daddy and looked so adorable in her beach hat that I got her before she was even born.

Daddy and the girls started to clean the toys up, since the sun was setting, and it would be dark soon.

The beach was so beautiful as the sun set below the water. We've never actually sat out and watched it before.

As we made our way back inside, the sun finally set for the night, and it was the most beautiful sight.

Perry took a bath and went right to sleep for the night, while the rest of us hung out on the patio listening to the waves and waiting for Grammy and Auntie Geni to arrive.

(Stay tuned for more about our Oceanside vacation including more time at the beach and Brick or Treating at Legoland!)

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