Last Week...

...the girls had their first day of school! Gracie started first grade and Charley started pre-K. Both girls we so excited. We continued our tradition with Grace's 'Class of 2028' t-shirt, and she looked so much bigger/older than last year.

(This year.)

(Last year.)

We met the Sebastian boys outside before school, and got the cutest picture of them all.

...Gracie picked out her matching backpack, lunchbox, and water bottle a couple of weeks before and couldn't wait to show her friends at school. She was extra excited because this is the first year that she gets to bring her lunch.

...Isaac and I dropped her off at school, and made sure she got to her class. She sat at her desk and started coloring.

...after Grace, it was time to drop Charley off. She was so excited to be in the "big kid" room and couldn't wait for us to leave.

...Isaac and I had both taken the day off work, so we went shopping at the mall and had a nice lunch before we went to pick up the girls. Perry slept all day in her stroller while we shopped.

...Gracie had such a great day, and since she didn't have time to finish her lunch at school, she ate it in the car.

...Charley worked on writing her name by herself. I had to help her with the last 'e' and 'y', because she "didn't know how", even though she did the first ones on her own.

...I got their "First Day" signs finished, and we took those pictures after school. I wanted to make sure we did them, because we did the same ones last year.

...when we got home, Gracie showed me her hand print puzzle that they made at school and was so proud of it.

...she must really like her teacher, because she drew a picture of her that afternoon. was back to work on Tuesday with Perry napping the day away, as usual.

...I got my nails done after work and loved the flamingo pink.

...Grace played with Perry and had her squealing up a storm. She loves her big sisters.

...Shelly sent me these pictures of Gracie and Easton getting to school on Wednesday. It makes me so sad that they are so grown up!

...Gracie brought home the cutest heart craft from school. I especially love this, because it's such an important lesson.

...the girls both had soccer practice at the same time Wednesday night, so Isaac took Gracie, and I took Charley.

...Char couldn't open her eyes "because it's too bright!".

...Perry had fun hanging out on her blanket and watching Char run around her.

...she's starting to really get the hang of her hands and loves to put everything she can into her mouth,

...poor kid still has a swollen, puffy eye from her dog encounter the week before.

...we watched the sunset as practice finished up.

...Perry played with her favorite rattle at work on Thursday.

...she thinks Mommy is SO funny.

...Perr had her four month wellness check since we will be out of town on the actual day. She got shots and did well with them. Doc says she's perfect and gave her some eye drops to help with that poor little eye.

...she hung out with Char and Oli at Grace's soccer practice and worked on rolling over. She's SO close.

...Gracie made this mirror at school. She wrote "I'm special because I listen to my family".

...Perry held her cheek as she slept that night.

...Char played with Perry, while she sat in her Bumbo.

...Gracie wore her Smalley shirt for school spirit day and looked so stinking cute.

...Shelly sent me these pictures of Grace and Easton at lunch time. I love their sweet friendship.

...Perry noticed Daddy's phone at work and wanted to check it out for herself.

...she finally rolled over and wrapper herself up like a burrito in her play gym.

...she snacked on her Oreo teether.

...we spent the weekend at the cabin and had the best time.

See you next week!

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