Last Week...

...Perry chomped away on her Oreo teether.

...Gracie and I did homework every night, and it was a fight to get her to stop. This kid loves her math and wanted to play the math games nonstop.

...Perry and I snuggled with her newest Little Unicorn Deluxe Swaddle Blanky - Pomegranate.

...I tried snapping of picture of her in my newest favorite outfit, but it was too early in the morning, and they didn't come out super clear.

...we tried again after work, and it was perfect. I have a new cactus obsession - gimme all things cactus!

...Gracie continued her math homework.

...we had a gorgeous sunset at soccer practice Tuesday night.

...Gracie had picture day on Wednesday. She looked so sweet, and then the nurse called at lunch time and said she had a fever. Luckily, pictures were before lunch. I'm hoping they turned out OK!

...Perry wore my other newest favorite outfit to work that day. It's the cutest romper from The Little Spoons, and after I got this one in, I ordered it in every color. It's super soft and so snuggly. Plus, it matches her new leopard moccs perfectly.

...I had to take a picture out my office window, because the sky looked like it was straight out of an episode of The Simpsons.

...Daddy and Perry played at lunch time.

...Grandma Sunshine took Charley for the day to get in some special one-on-one time. Char was so shy at first. She's not used to going anywhere without her big sis. She had a blast with Grandma and played at Dave and Busters all day. She got spoiled and loved on all day long and still said she likes having Gracie with her better than going it alone.

...I tried to get a picture of Perry's lower gums, because I'm convinced she's getting teeth. I can't see anything, but I still feel like they'll pop through any time now.

...we had the most gorgeous rainbow at Char's practice on Wednesday. It kept fading in and out in different areas and eventually crossed over the whole sky.

...after practice, Perry was rolling over every time we put her on the floor. Baby girl is getting too big too fast.

...Charley wore her Charlie Brown shirt on Thursday.

...Gracie wasn't allowed to go to school for twenty-four hours after her fever, so she had to come to work with me Thursday. She drew me the sweetest picture for my wall.

...she had her iPad at the office, and Perry took full advantage. She was so cute laying her head down on her arm while watching a movie.

...Friday, Perr wore her Titans jimmies to the office and looked adorable during tummy time.

...Daddy went and got us the most delicious doughnuts from Donut Mania.

...Charley brought home this picture of "Things That Are Blue". I asked her what she drew, and she explained that there is a swimming pool, water, a raindrop, and the sky.

...Gracie made a silly video while waiting for her game to start Saturday morning.

...the girls both did great at their games, and Grace had a few blocks, while Char had a couple more goals.

...Daddy and Char made waffles, while Gracie and Perr watched The Jungle Book.

...they got ready Sunday morning in their matching #football raglans.

...Perry napped on the couch with Mommy.

...Grace wrote a book. Well, she drew pictures and then stapled the pages together. It starts with a cover, then comes Mommy and Daddy, Baby Perry, Grace and Char playing soccer, Grace and her friend from school, Levi and Easton on the playground, a bumblebee, and a bear.

...Grandma Espejo took the girls to the park, so Daddy and I took Perry to Freddy's for a burger and some ice cream. She obviously didn't get to eat any, but she sure wished she could.

...she has started to find her voice, and it's the cutest little squeak/squeal.

Next week we're on vacation for a few days, and we can't wait!

See you then!

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