Last Week...

...Perry was super excited at work this week, because we only had three days to go before our vacation. 

...we saw a pink rainbow on the way to school, and the girls were loving it.

...Perry woke up from a nap in her bouncer and was pretty talkative. This girl loves to hang out in her bouncer and watch everything going on around the house.

...we got some rain on Wednesday.

...we drove to Oceanside after work and spent Thursday morning at the San Diego Zoo. When we got back to the condo, Perry watched Grace and Char dance around the living room. I love how much she loves her big sisters.

...the girls begged us to go play on the beach, so we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening playing in the waves.

...Friday morning, we woke up with no plans for the day. Perry napped while Daddy went to get everyone Starbucks and donuts. 

...we sat outside while we ate and watched the waves roll in. This bonnet makes Perry's cheeks look even squishier, and I couldn't stop kissing them.

...we took a walk down to the pier, and it was beautiful and relaxing to have nothing to do and be listening to the waves crash against the shore.

...we had to cut our walk down the pier short, because Charley got a splinter underneath her fingernail. It turns out, there was nothing we could do about it anyways, so we decided to go play on the beach. Perry took another nap, while Daddy played with sisters in the waves.'s so nice that Grace and Charley love the beach so much. They weren't afraid of the waves or getting dirty in the sand, which meant that they had a blast playing with each other.

...Chase wasn't too sure of the water, but he loved playing in the smooth rocks.

...Kaitlyn wasn't sure she wanted to be at the beach, but after she calmed down, I think she actually enjoyed it.

...Gracie showed Chase how she sneaks up on seagulls and chases them away.

...Chase played with his shark and had him eating all of the sand.

...we pulled out the selfie stick (that we've had for years and have never used), and took some pictures with it.

...this may be my favorite picture ever of Isaac. Perry loves her Daddy more than anyone else in the world.

...Daddy put Perry down for another nap, and she slept until it was time to head in.

...back inside, we all showered up and got ready for dinner. Grace and Char took pictures of everyone while we were getting ready.

...I tried getting a picture of the girls in their "sister" shirts, but this was the best we got. We went to dinner at Outback and came home to watch some college football and go to bed for the night.

...Saturday morning we got ready and waited outside for everyone else so we could head to Legoland.

...there was a storm brewing on the ocean, and it looked so cool. 

...I came across this and thought it perfectly described my relationship with life.

...we had fun in Legoland and woke up early Sunday morning to head south. We had plans to go to a June and January event, but first we were stopping by the Unertl's house to spend some time with our best friends. The girls played with Jakson, and we got them dressed in J&J inspired Halloween costumes to head to Land of Nod.

...we had to wait in a pretty long line, but the kids didn't mind, because they got to play with each other. At one point, Jakson went and sat close to Gracie and held her hand. It was the sweetest thing ever.

...we finally made it to the front of the line and got to meet the creator of all of the awesome June and January clothes, Amy. She was so sweet and talked to each of the kids. We also got swag bags with some awesome stuff inside and donuts.

...after the event, we headed to True Kitchen to meet Isaac and Jeremy for lunch. We had so much fun catching up with our friends. I was worried when they moved away to California that we'd lose our close friendship. Every time we see them, it's like no time has passed at all, and we love them more than ever.

We had such a fun week this week! See you next time :)

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