Last Week...

...Perry wore one of her Little Spoons rompers to work and was so comfy all day. These are seriously my favorite things ever. They work great for pajamas after bath time, and then she can wear them the next day with a bow and moccs. 

...she napped in her sleeper, while I got lots of work done.

...I know there have to be teeth coming in soon, because this kid has been putting everything right into her mouth and drooling like it's her job. I tried taking a picture so I could zoom in to get a better look, but she was not having it.

...we decided to try pumpkin since Perry wasn't too fond of the pears. (Also, because 'tis the season.) She couldn't quite figure out how to eat them and would just blow raspberries whenever I'd give her a bite. That made for a pretty big mess.

...since we had pumpkin everywhere, bath time was up next. Toodles sat on the edge of the tub, and Perry couldn't take her eyes off of him. Notice her little foot trying to splash him.

...Perry fell asleep pretty quickly, and I snuggled her forever.

...she played on the floor with her toys at work.

...when we got home that afternoon, she took a nap, and Gracie kept her company. Outfit change because blowouts are our life these days.

...we played on Snapchat during soccer practice, and Charley thought it was the funniest thing ever.

...I found this picture that Grace drew and left on the table. I asked her what it was, and she replied, "stickers".

...Perry could barely keep her eyes open after her bath that night. This kid really likes to be in bed by seven o'clock.

...we hung out at Char's soccer practice on Wednesday.

...Grace drew a picture of foxes...

...Perry napped in my arms at Grace's soccer practice.

...she looked cute as ever in her sweet jammies before bed time.

...we played with her Koko Koala bear at the office.

...when I picked Char up from school, she was making spiders out of crackers. She made me carry them home to show Daddy and Gracie.

...Uncle Zac brought Presley over, and we took her to Target to pick out some toys for her birthday gift. These girls were singing Elena of Avalor all through the store and getting tons of smiles from everyone. After our mini shopping spree, we went to the pumpkin patch to meet the Gerfy's, and Zac and Stef, and Elisha.

...the girls had a blast going down the slides over and over again.

...they went on a wagon ride, posed for pictures, and rode "the bathtub ride".

...I had to get a picture of my girls, because these dresses are the cutest!

...we made our way to the petting zoo, where Grace and Char loved petting all of the little goats and sheep.

...they played some games, won some prizes, and went down more slides, before we made them pose for more pictures.

...Saturday morning was Char's soccer game. Almost all of the grandparents came to watch, and she got four goals!

...her love for the game is so sweet. She's always got either a determined look or this big smile on her face.

...after Char's game, we had a break to grab lunch, and then we headed to Anthem for Grace's game. She had her best game of the season, and I was so happy that it was at a later time, so I could see the whole thing.

...her team is the cutest. I hope we can keep these girls together for many more seasons to come.

...Grammy took the girls home with her, and of course they napped in the car.

...meanwhile, we hung out at Lake Las Vegas for the beer walk. 

...we came across this Toasted Marshmallow Cream one, and it was like cream soda. Perry tried stealing Daddy's. We only had her and Amelia, and they were so good that we went to sushi afterwards.

...the girls went to two different pumpkin patches, and Chase came to meet up with them to play. They had so much fun.

...the next morning, Perry slept in without Char there to wake her up. Toodles came to check her out. He always sleeps in bed with the girls and was a little lost without them. This week was the first time he has really paid any attention to Perry at all.

...she hung out in her bouncer,

...she decided that she likes her jumper, after all. Obviously, her favorite part is the mirror. She still doesn't get the bouncing part.

...she sat up on her own for the first time. Baby girl is getting so big and time is flying way too fast for this mama.

...Grammy and Papa took the kids to Gilcrease Orchard on Sunday morning where they picked veggies, got some pumpkins, and brought home apple cider and caramel apples. The loved it and couldn't stop talking about how much fun they had when they came home.

It seems that every week, lately, is a busy one. See you next time!

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