Last Week...

...Grace's school week started off with mustache day. She refused to wear this, though, and stuffed it into her backpack right after I took the picture.

...Perry hung out with her big elephant, while I admired her baby rolls.

...Grace practiced her sight words, and Perry confirmed that they were right after each one.

...she snacked on some nanners at the office.

...we met the family at El Torito for dinner, and Perr layed on my shoulder when she got tired.

...we waited for Daddy to get home from work.

...we snuggled at bed time. I was exhausted and wanted to go to sleep so badly, but I couldn't bring myself to move Perry to her DockATot. These moments pass so quickly, and I want to cherish them for as long as I can.

(Isn't she just perfect?!)

...Daddy gave Perry a taste of his chocolate chip cookie at lunch time.

...since she was wearing her cactus shirt, we took some pictures of her in front of the office, and they turned out adorable.

...she snacked on more bananas, which have taken over as her favorite food. They are the only thing she actually wants to eat (besides mama's milk).

...she always has to have an outfit change after her snack, because mushed bananas get everywhere. Allison and I brought Grimaldi's back to the office, and Daddy gave Perry a taste. She looked at him like, "why haven't I had this before?" and grabbed it away from him.

...we tried on Perry's Halloween costume, and she looked so cute.

...we went to dinner with the family again since Auntie Andrea and Uncle Dan were in town. We had so much fun playing face swap with everyone's faces.

...everyone went over to my mom's house on Saturday for Alex and Allison's gender reveal. It was a boo-y or ghoul theme, so there were plenty of Halloween treats.

...finally, everyone was ready to find out what they were having...'s a girl! We are all so happy for them. We know a thing or two about girls in our family, and they're so much fun! Congrats, you guys!!

...after the big announcement, we spend the evening carving pumpkins.

...we put Grace and Charley in a pumpkin for their first Halloweens, so we had to continue the tradition. Perry was adorable and just kept smiling. She's the best baby ever.

(Grace - Charley - Perry)

...the Gerfy's carved pumpkins with us, and Amelia wasn't too sure about the sliminess.

...Perry napped through most of it, as usual.

...we were finally done, and the girls' pumpkins we so cute. We carved a face in Perry's and let Grace and Char draw on theirs. When they were done, we carved out the faces that they had drawn.

...the next morning, we had plans to meet the Unertls at a pumpkin patch. We decided on McKee Ranch and headed over there after breakfast. The girls loved feeding the horses carrots.

...they played around, while Perry hung out in her stroller.

...the Unertls and Cantors arrived, and we had so much fun feeding crackers to the chickens. Jakson was chasing them everywhere with the biggest smile on his face.

...when we ran out of crackers, we went to another horse stable and fed them some more carrots.

...the kiddos played around and had fun goofing off.

...Grace and Char rode the ponies before we left and loved every second of it.

...we had so much fun with our friends. I'm so glad we got to spend some time with them while they were in town. We couldn't love them more.

...back at home, Perry and I hung out in the bedroom, while the girls played out front.

...Perry fell asleep, so I put her in the pack 'n play. Charley climbed into my lap and slept there for a long time. I haven't gotten snuggle time in with this crazy, big girl in a while, and it was nice to hold her while she was being so peaceful.

...I saw this, and thought it couldn't be more true. The laundry, dishes, and vacuuming can wait. I'd rather spend my down time immersed in my babies' giggles any day.

...Perry wore her Halloween jammies to bed on Halloween Eve.

Next week is Halloween, and we can't wait! See you then :)

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