Last Week...

...I came across this huge stuffed elephant online and ordered it for Perry. She loves it so much! Not only is it the softest thing ever, it's great support for when she's sitting up playing. If she falls over, there is a soft surface almost all the way around her.

...Grace brought home this life cycle of an apple story. My favorite is when she spells trees "chrez". I mean, it does sound like that. I had to really sound it out for her.

...Perry learned how to blow raspberries and does so all the time. She's so silly.

...Charley has become obsessed with her Legoland princess dress and wore it every day after school...even to soccer practice.

...Perry napped the day away at the office.

...Shelly did sight words with the kids at school, and sent me this picture of Gracie on Wednesday.

...I was folding laundry and reviewing sight words with Grace that night (multitasking is my middle name), and Perry hung out next to her big sister, while we went through the words.

...I saw this, and it really stuck with me. I love it.

...we went to Poppa and Grandma's to visit them on Thursday before soccer practice, and I took this picture of my dad as a little kid. Perry looks so much like him.

...the girls made Perry squeal and giggle for Poppa and Grandma.

...they sang along to their current favorite song, Handclap.

...Gracie had soccer practice that night. This is how she looks at Perr when she comes over for a water break. Sweetest big sister.

...there was a crazy, big hurricane in Florida that night, so I checked in on my stepbrother, James and his family. He sent me this picture of my niece, Emmalynn, and said all was well. She's such a cutie!

...Perry napped at work on Friday, and held on to Daddy's Coke for him.

...Perry tried her first food - pears, of course. She wasn't a big fan. I think they were a little too tart for her.

...she also got a new Dory jumper. She doesn't get that she can put her feet on the ground and just holds them in the air. When Char started pressing all of the buttons, Perry wanted out right away. There was just too much going on. usual, Charley woke up at the crack of dawn and came in our room to snuggle with baby sister.

...both girls had soccer games half an hour a part. I took Charley to hers and Daddy took Gracie to hers.

...Charley did a great job and scored three goals. I love the smile on her face as she's racing for the ball.

...meanwhile, Perry chewed on her keys.

...Char's team won, and we were all happy to head to Grace's game to be reunited with her and Daddy.

...she was playing goalie, and she saved a few and let a couple in. On one, she lunged to her left and blocked the goal as she fell to the ground. Everyone thought it was so cool, and then when I talked to her, she said, "I just tripped over my shoelaces".

...after their games, we changed clothes and headed across town as fast as possible to get to Presley's birthday tea party. Charley wasn't feeling it at first, because girl needs her nap. They ended up having a great time and loved the pink, sparkly tea.

(Happy 4th Birthday, Presley Rae!)

...while they drank tea and decorated cupcakes, we went across the street to Brio to eat lunch with Perry and Auntie Elisha.

...after the party, we stopped by the Halloween store. We all got our costumes and had fun trying on other ones, as well.

...Perry played in the bath tub. This girl HAS to have her bath at or before seven o'clock each night. She doesn't really mind how long she sits in there. It's one of her favorite things to do. Olly the Octopus is her favorite bath toy, and she loves to chew on him.

...the girls wore their Sunday best, which consisted of Titans gear. They won, which made us all extra happy!

...Mommy made scrambled eggs for breakfast, and Char was upset because I put milk in them. I guess Daddy doesn't make them that way, but she ended up liking them and ate three!

...Perry had a blow out, so Daddy gave her a bath. She's finally big enough for her unicorn robe and slippers and looked so cute in them.

...the girls wrestled around on the floor and played together. Perry is getting so big and loves to play with her sisters.

...this girl falls asleep almost immediately when I put her in her DockATot each night. I was shocked to see her awake when I went back to check on her after a few minutes. She was just laying there quietly and gave me the sweetest smile when she saw me walk in.

That's all for now. See you next week!

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