Last Week...

...Perry wore her pretty little pumpkin outfit to work in honor of it being Halloween and all. She looked adorable, as usual.

...we left work a little early to go watch Grace (and the rest of her school) do the Monster Mash. They were adorable in all of their Halloween outfits.

...after school, we headed home and got all dressed up in our costumes. Isaac and I always love to dress up with the kids, because why should they have all the fun?

...our family and friends all come over to Trick-or-Treat with us, and the girls were so excited when everyone started arriving just before dark.

...we got all the kiddos together and off we went. They all did pretty good this year, and we made it to lots of houses resulting in way too much candy. was a bummer that it fell on a week night, but everyone had a blast, and we loved hanging out with all most of our favorite people. The next day at work, I walked by Perry, and her eyes followed me causing her to roll over from her tummy to her back for the first time. I couldn't believe it, so I sat on the floor with her, and she did it again.

...I had a meeting, so Perry hung out with Auntie Allison, and she loved videoing herself. Isn't she the cutest?! Her eyebrows crack me up.

...Perry was chewing on her bottom lip like crazy, so I began checking for teeth again. I know they're coming...soon!

...she continued chewing on that lip while we hung out at Char's soccer practice. slept with her hand over her face and looked precious.

...she also napped at work, and I didn't want to put her down.

...after work, the girls and I went to hang out with Poppa and Grandma. Perry is always a little shy when it comes to people she doesn't see every day, so it took her a few minutes to warm up to them. When Poppa got on the floor with her, she loved it and kept reaching for him. It was the sweetest thing.

...Charley drew this picture of our house and family. Daddy is my favorite.

...the girls all wore their June and January on Friday and looked so sweet. We just love their clothes.

...Perry read books and chomped on her Oreo.

...I gave her a piece of licorice to gnaw on, and she was in heaven. The aftermath wasn't as fun, though. We quickly moved back to the Oreo teether.

...Daddy spent two nights in Phoenix to visit some nurseries down there. The girls FaceTimed him every night, and Perry just kept reaching for the phone. She's definitely a Daddy's girl.

...Perry celebrated her half birthday by following her sisters around and meeting her new baby cousin.

...we dressed up for voting and stopped by the park to take a picture.

...after the park, we made our way to the fields to catch Easton and Noah's football games. We love these kiddos and our friendship with their family SO much.

...after football, it was time for soccer. Grace's game was first, and she played great, even blocking some goals. was so awesome to see the happiness on these girls faces as they ran off the field with a 'W'.

...back at home, Perry took a much needed nap.

...when she woke up, we decided to try some peas. Daddy mixed them with pears so they wouldn't be so pea-ish.

...she obviously wasn't a huge fan.

...after our break, it was back to soccer for Charley's game. half time, Perry gnawed on her Oreo some more. Daddy put her down in the grass, and she was fascinated by it. Meanwhile, I was fascinated with her cheeks and baby rolls.

...Gracie walked up and got Perry to giggle instantly. Baby girl loves her big sisters.

...the second half started, and Char was on a roll. She kept the ball away from the other team and scored a goal.

...Auntie Elisha had her baby that afternoon, so we made sure to head to the hospital after our busy day. We were all so excited to meet baby Brielle. She's so tiny and sweet and makes Perry look like such a big kid. It just makes me so sad to see how quickly they change and grow. We're so excited for the girls to have another cousin, and we can't wait for Baby B and Perry to be running amok together.

(Congrats, Elisha and Pono! She's a beauty!!)

...Sunday was about football as Perry got ready in her Titans gear.

...since the Titans didn't play until the afternoon, we spent the morning cleaning up, organizing, and storing all of our Halloween decor for next year. Perry hung out in her pack n' play outside for hours. She's such a good girl.

...we looked at some old pictures that we came across, and I couldn't help but notice that Perry looks a lot like my baby pictures.

...that afternoon, she was supposed to be taking a nap, but she had the hiccups and the giggles instead.

(I love this baby so stinkin' much!)

...that night, the girls were being crazy, so we went outside to let them race each other across the street and back again, over and over and over. Perry watched from the sidelines in her pom beanie. Daddy also decided to take Char's training wheels off, and she practiced riding without them. It was too dark for pictures or video, so we'll have to try again one afternoon.

...I loved this as soon as I saw it. Perfection.

That's all for now! See you next week.

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