Last Week...

...we went over to the Espejos to celebrate Grandpa Espejo's birthday. Charley basically walked in the door, and said "gimme that baby!". The girls love their new baby cousin.

...Perry napped like the angel that she is at the office.

...I caught Toodles sleeping all sprawled out on his back in Grace's bed when I got up to feed Perry in the middle of the night.

...the election was Tuesday where we learned that Donald Trump was going to be our new president. I could not believe what was happening, because the media had made it seem like he had no chance. Obviously, Perry and Toodles were equally as intrigued as the results poured in.

...there was so much hate in our country the following day. I came across this, and it spoke to me, so I thought I'd share. I think it's time we come together as Americans, and I hope our new president is able to accomplish this in the next four years.

...Auntie Allison had an ultrasound the night before, and Perry was excited to see the pictures of baby girl at work the next day.

...Daddy played with Perr at lunch time, while I was on conference calls with auditors allll day. He had her giggling, and I was jealous that I missed it.

...Char brought home her newest school pictures, and I was instantly in love with them. She looks so stinking sweet.

...Friday at the office, Perry enjoyed some teething rings.

...Daddy kept picking on her, and I'm pretty sure it's because he was loving the snuggles she'd give him afterwards. My poor baby!

...I made sure to snuggle her extra hard that night.

...Saturday morning was Charley's last soccer game of the season, and Perry wore the sweetest dress with her daisy moccs.

...after the game, Charley got a trophy and was so excited. Her little team was so adorable all season, and we're hoping they can play together again next year.

...we also got her soccer pictures back, and she looks so big. We are so proud of this girl and how well she played in her first team sport. She had no fear and played her little heart out. She's already ready for next season, although Mommy and Daddy are glad to have a little break. up was Grace's game. She played great at the goalie position and blocked quite a few this time.

...Sunday morning we met the Sebastians at Chuck-E-Cheese for JJ's fourth birthday. The kids had a blast, as usual, and JJ was so sweet with all of his Cars gear. He's a little obsessed.

(Happy Birthday, JJ! We love you!!)

...after celebrating all morning, we headed home to change clothes and touch up everyone's hair. We had a family photo shoot scheduled with Chelsea, and we were so excited. She always gets the best shots of our girls. Here is a little sneak peak. I'll share more when we get the rest. I'm dying to see them all.

That's all for now. See you next week!

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