Last Week...

...Perry snacked on some bananas at work on Monday.

...she started holding herself up against the ottoman. She loves to look at her toys inside.

...Daddy fed her peach banana oatmeal, and she loved it. She kept grabbing the spoon and trying to feed herself.

...she played on the floor, while Gracie did homework and read to her.

...Gracie played with Perry after school on Thursday and got some big giggles out of her. She just loves her big sister.

...Friday, we went to see Santa and take our annual pictures with him. The girls were so excited and couldn't wait to tell him that they wanted a goldfish. He said, "is that all?", and Grace replied, "maybe we should think of something else". Nope. All they want this year is a goldfish in a bowl. We got a couple of sneak peaks, but the rest of them won't be in for a couple of weeks.

...Gracie had a soccer tournament on Saturday, so we spent most of the day at the fields.

...we had a break in between games, so Perry took some time to chew on her toes.

...after the final game, the girls took second in their division. We couldn't be more proud of this team. These girls played so hard every week, and we love all of them! We're really hoping they'll stay together for years to come. Go Ponytail Posse!

...after our long day, the girls took baths and hung out downstairs watching movies with us. Perry loved staying up past her bed time and playing with them.

...Perr couldn't take her eyes off the Titans game on Sunday. It's OK. I couldn't either.

...Char helped me make some rice krispie treats and might have eaten more than her fair share of mini marshmallows.

...Perr napped in her pack 'n play.

...we finally got our tree up and decorated. We're usually on top of the Christmas decorations earlier, but it's been so hot out, and it still feels like Christmas is months away. The girls were so excited that I let my OCD self sit out and actually let them help this year. They did such a good job!

...the girls played with my big camera, while I gave Perry her bath. They love to take pictures of each other.

That's all for now! See you next week :)

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