So Much Love {Happy Thanksgiving}

As usual, we headed up to the cabin after work last Wednesday for the Thanksgiving weekend. We got there just before dark, and enjoyed some wine and early prepping for our big meal the next day. Thursday morning came, and everyone woke up in great moods. The girls couldn't wait to get out in the tiny bit of snow that we had, and it's the first thing they did after getting dressed.

Perry wasn't as into the snow, so she played inside. I found some of the girls' old baby toys upstairs that I had brought with us, and they were new and exciting to this little one.

She also enjoyed chomping on the box of oven bags while enjoying the yummy smells coming from the kitchen.

While the girls were all inside (and awake) at the same time, I had to get our annual picture in front of the fireplace. I can't believe these three gorgeous girls are mine, and I am so very thankful for each of them and this wonderful man that takes care of us all.

Perry went down for a nap, while Kait played with the stacking rings.

She didn't sleep for very long and hung out with a very tired Daddy that had spent the morning hanging Christmas lights with the guys.

After warming up inside, the girls were back out in the snow. They loved stomping around in it and hearing the crunch under their boots.

Meanwhile, Perry was snuggling with me when she fell asleep again. Nap #2 before noon!

I went back outside to find the girls shoveling all of the snow. It's awesome how kids find grown up chores to be fun and even better when they do them for you.

Perry played with Papa, while Charley helped Auntie Allison set the table.

We checked on the rolls and watched them, so they wouldn't burn.

Perry's "sweeter than pie" romper turned out so cute, and as it turns out, she really was sweeter than the pie, because mom forgot sugar. (Don't worry, she made another.) That didn't stop Perry from trying to sneak the whole thing for herself!

Daddy let her chew on her nanner teether instead. She enjoyed it just as much, and I'm pretty sure it's her new favorite toy.

He also got the wine ready for dinner. That was his contribution.

Perry snuggled with Daddy, while Grammy and Papa got the turkey out of the oven and ready to eat.

Perry tried her first olives, while we waited, and loved them.

We took some family pictures before we dove in to dinner, and they all turned out so sweet!

The food looked so delicious and tasted even better than it looked. When I was younger,, I wasn't a fan of Thanksgiving food. Now, I love all of it! 

We had a great dinner and spent the evening sipping wine, laughing, and napping.

I am so grateful for my family. We have been so blessed and have so much love in our everyday lives. This Thanksgiving was perfect, and we are so lucky to be able to make these memories with our girls. I thank God for them every single day.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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