Last Week...

...Perry watched the big kids ride and run around the street from the safety of her wagon.

...Grace's school had reading week for Dr. Suess's Birthday, so the kids dressed in their cutest Dr. Suess themed outfits. These guys are the cutest friends you'll ever see.

...she insisted on riding her bike down the hill "by the x" (there is a cross painted in the middle of the cul-de-sac). She freaks me out every time. She's outgrown her helmet and desperately needs a new one.

...after a messy dinner. Daddy went to wash her hands in the sink, and she slipped down into it. The water was on, and she thought it was the greatest thing ever.

...we made some grilled shrimp scampi with a yummy salad for dinner that only took a few minutes. It's perfect for a quick weekday meal when we have soccer practice to get to.

...Gracie ate all of it and even enjoyed it and went back for seconds.

...she had a day at school where they had to dress as their favorite book character, and of course she chose Poppy from the Trolls movie. She was so excited to show her friends her hair.

...Char worked on writing her name and gets better every week. I can't believe there are only a few more months until she's in Kindergarten!

...Gracie made a folder all about taking care of your teeth. She read it to Charley and explained to her why it's so important. This kid has been so crazy about brushing, flossing, and mouth wash ever since she got a cavity filled last year. Maybe she'll follow in Frannie's footsteps and be a dental hygienist or dentist someday.

...Perry was fascinated with the water pouring into her bath and kept trying to grab it with her hands.

...she continued to sleep well in her pack 'n play for the first part of the night. We had a couple of tough weeks where she wanted me either holding her or sleeping next to her. Since she has a super early bed time of 6:30, that proved difficult for getting laundry or dishes done during the week. This makes it much easier, since I can actually leave to room to do other things. (Who am I kidding? I love sitting in the rocking chair all night snuggling her and watching TV.)

...Perr ate some turkey taco meat for dinner and said, "mmm" after each bite.

...I tried getting a peak at her four top teeth, but she wasn't letting me in there.

...I got the cutest coffee cup for work (and a cactus phone case to match). Cactus everything is kind of my jam right now.

...we had movie night at Smalley where all of the kids sat on blankets, ate pizza, and watched Trolls. Perry even got her first taste of pizza and loved it. girl slept in her pack 'n play that night until I scooped her up to get my snuggle time in that I had been missing all week.

...we took the girls to Rachel's Kitchen for breakfast Saturday morning where they chatted with the birds.

...that afternoon, we walked up this crazy steep hill to the water tower, and the girls rode their bikes. They had a blast, and we were all exhausted after over an hour of trekking around the neighborhood.

...Perry fell asleep sitting up and holding onto my shirt.

...that night, Poppa and Gran took us out to dinner for my birthday. We met at the new BBQ joint at Sam's Town, and the girls were amazed at the water and light show in the atrium. They kept asking me if all of the animals were real or not.

...Perr and I got in some more snuggle time after everyone else went to bed.

...Sunday morning, we headed to Boca Park where we braved the wind to walk around for a bit.

...we met some of my favorites for brunch at Honey Salt. I just love watching these little cuties play and laugh together.'s become quite the task to get Perry's monthly milestone pictures, so I enlisted in the help of Daddy and some girl scout cookies to get the job done. Perry did so good standing on her own, while holding tight onto those cookies. girl is ten months old now, and I cannot believe it.

...she slept some more...surprise, surprise. Between her and Charley, I think we've got the best sleepers around.

That's all for now! See ya next week :)

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