Last Week...

...Perry ate scrambled eggs with cheese, avocados, and chicken for dinner and loved it.

...we read books at Char's soccer practice.

...Charley got to be the wolf at practice and was so excited. The smile on her face kills me.

...she made a rainbow umbrella at school and wanted me to hang it up in her room.

...Perry played and snacked on puffs at Gracie's soccer practice on Tuesday.

...she was the sweetest snuggle bug at bed time.

...we went for a super long walk on Wednesday, since no one had practice that night. The girls love riding their bikes all over the neighborhood, and Perry falls asleep in her stroller every single time.

...since I had given her a bath before our walk, she was ready for bed and stayed asleep when we got back home.

...we got a sweet sample from June and January, and these dot crop tops might be Grace's new favorite. I'm not so sure, because I feel like they make her look like she's twelve instead of six. I can't wait for them to release, so I can order some for Char and Perry for our summer beach days.

...we found some organic Crunch Berry cereal, and Perry gobbled it up.

...Friday was St. Patrick's Day, and you know the girls wore their best green outfits.

...Perry's teacher, Miss Dawn, sent me a couple of pictures of her in class. These knee high socks are my fav.

...Auntie Allison went to pick her up and bring her back to the office, because she had a fever. She was sleeping in her swing when she went to pick her up. It still amazes me that she takes her bottle, eats it by herself, and then goes to sleep. She's such a good girl!

...Gracie got her spring pictures back and looked so adorable and grown up in them.

...the kids played in the back yard after school, and they took turns pushing Perry on the swing.

...she slept hard that night, and even rolled onto her tummy in the DockATot,

...the girls watched Gracie play her game in the morning. She was playing a team that had one of her best friends from school, and she wasn't super into beating up on her friend. She kept saying, "I don't want to play against Bryce". All of the babies had fun playing together, though, and we told Grace that she would have a better game next week.

...Gracie loves her friends from school, and they were so cute hugging after the game. Also, I never realized what a little pip squeak Grace is.

...Char Char's team didn't win either, but she did turn it on in the second half and score three goals.

...after the games, we headed home to change, and then went to Alex and Allison's baby shower barbecue to celebrate Baby Ava's upcoming arrival. The girls wore the cutest coordinating outfits. I can't get over how fun it is to mix and match all of the colors on my girls.

...Grace decided that she wanted to try and swim, but the water was freezing. I was happy that she was still able to from last summer's lessons.

...after everyone ate and enjoyed catching up, they finally opened all of their baby gifts. They got so much adorable stuff, and now we are all ready for baby Ava to join the circus.

...Sunday morning, we decided to take the girls to breakfast. We woke up to a flat tire, so we filled it and took it to Firestone to get it repaired. While they were working on it, we walked over to Panera to eat. Grace was so embarrassed to walk down the street and said, "we look hopeless like we don't have a home". I assured her that we were fine, and walking to breakfast wasn't the end of the world. 

...Firestone wanted me to pay for four new tires, but I have a warranty with the dealership. We had them pump the flat one back up and decided just to take the car home and get it to the shop Monday when they were open. Our car had other ideas, and the tire blew out on the freeway on the way home. Land Rover sent a tow truck out, and Grandma Espejo picked the girls up. I kept Perry with me, and she played in the car while we waited before settling in for a nap.

...when we got home, we went for a four and a half mile walk with Perr Bear. She passed out and looked super sweet with her chunky legs.

...she went to bed early that night, and held on to the side of her DockATot as she slept. It's so hard for me not to pick her up and snuggle her when she's sleeping so sweetly.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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