Last Week...

...we played outside with Daddy after school on Monday.

...Perry had a fever last Friday afternoon, and it continued through the weekend. She had no other symptoms, so we went to the doc to see what was up. As it turns out, baby girl had her very first ear infection. She did so good with the doctor and played on her cell phone the whole time. Since she was such a good girl, I let her have her first sucker all to herself.

...afterwards, we walked to Char's soccer practice. While Char kicked the ball around, Perry found some flowers.

...Tuesday, Gracie had a field trip with her class to see a play at The Smith Center. The girls looked so cute all dressed up together.

...Perry found her stash of blankets in my closet. They're her favorite things ever.

...we snuggled in the rocking chair at bed time.

...the girls had a dentist appointment on Thursday, and Perry couldn't take her eyes off this tree with lights on it that sits in the middle of the waiting room.

...the girls did great and were so excited when the dentist said, "I've seen kids with cavities all day. It's so nice to see some without any.". They've been pretty crazed about brushing and flossing lately, so I knew their teeth would be healthy.

...Perr Perr slept in her DockATot after a long day (we had soccer practice after the dentist).

...the girls and I all got our hair cut at Grandma Sunshine's salon. Grace cut about seven inches off her hair, and it's still super long.

...Auntie Allison watched Perry Friday night, while Isaac and I took the big girls to Monster Jam. She was a sweetheart and slept almost the whole time.

...the girls had a blast watching all of the monster trucks racing and jumping around the track. It was a little loud for Char, so we got her some headphones. It was so cute watching these girls yell and cheer when the trucks would do something cool. 

...I snuggled the baby as soon as we got home.

...Saturday, the girls had soccer games at the same time at different parks (luckily this is the only one like this all season). I took Char to hers, while Daddy took Gracie. We got to the park a little early, so I played with the girls for a bit while we waited.

...Char did so good and had four goals. Gracie played goalie and didn't come out the whole game, and girlfriend registered a shutout! We're so proud of these girls for practicing so hard and playing so well. It's so much fun to watch them out on the field.

...we went to Lucille's for lunch after the games to celebrate their hard work. Perry got down on some sweet tea and apple butter.

...that night, Grandma Espejo watched Perry, while we went back to Monster Jam. This time, one of our clients brought his daughter, and the girls had so much fun with her. They ooh'd and ahh'd over the freestyle series while the trucks smashed everything. We had so much fun spending some quality time with our big girls. Gracie now wants to be a "Monster Truck judge" when she grows up.

...Sunday morning, we decided to meet the Gerfys out at Red Rock. By the time we drove out there, it was at capacity, and they were turning everyone around. Apparently, you need to get there super early when the weather is nice. We ended up going to Downtown Summerlin to eat and shop instead. I let the girls pick out new dresses, and they begged to leave the store in them. You should have seen them in the dressing room. They were adorable.

...we played with Perry and Amelia after shopping, and Perry thought we were so funny.

...everyone was tired, and fell asleep on the way home.

...since they napped in the car, we went for a walk to the park when we got home. They girls loved riding their bikes all over the place, while Perry loved having some freedom to move around the playground.

...Perry passed out early in the pack n play until I was ready to come to bed. She's seriously the easiest, sweetest baby.

See you next week!

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