Last Week...

...Perry had a fever at school on Monday, so I went to pick her and Charley up early. We spent the afternoon at home swinging and playing in the back yard.

...I brought out a rug from inside and cleaned up their playhouse, so Perry could play in it. She loved being in there with Charley.

...I tried to coax Perry into taking some steps, but she wasn't comfortable just yet.

...Grace and Easton love to flip their bikes upside down and pretend to clean and repair them. Gracie made this sign on the sidewalk that said, "Olee for klening or fixing biks".

...she brought home cute stories from school. One was about the characteristics of a Hershey kiss, and one was about how she would feel if she had crocodile teeth.

...Perry snuggled with me in the rocking chair at bed time.

...she brushed her teeth the next morning, while I brushed mine.

...she practiced walking around the living room with her walker.

...we went to Grace's soccer practice, and Perry played with her friend Londyn. 

...Grace worked on her Skip Hop skills after school.

...we went to my mom's house for my birthday dinner, and Perry loved this toy and tried so hard to take the little beads off the track.

...Gracie brought home more school work. This time there was a story about why she loves her Grandma and another about George Washington.

...Perry snacked on Poppa's croissant at soccer practice, and then he and Gran read her a story. We just love that they come to practice every week. Grace likes having them there, and Perry and Char get to spend some quality time with them, while Gracie practices. Thank you guys for making the effort to do this. It's awesome!

...I snuggled with my baby some more.

...we spent Friday at NASCAR with the Sebastians. The kids had a blast watching the cars, eating Dippin Dots, and playing with their BFFs. Perry also took her first steps, and we were all so proud of her.

...after the races, we headed to Queen Bee Market to meet up with the Luks and Keltons. We bought some super cute stuff, and the kids all got waffles from the delicious Waffle Love food truck. Perry napped in her stroller. Those big steps earlier really tired her out. We all went to Brio for dinner afterwards and had so much fun drinking Sangria and whiskey, while the kiddos ran amok. Luckily, we got to sit outside, so they were able to be their crazy selves.

...Saturday morning, Daddy had to go back to the speedway to hang out with some clients. I cut up some peaches for breakfast, and Perry loved them.

...we had Gracie's first soccer game, and the girls played so well. They won and looked so cute in their neon green jerseys and matching bows.

...after Grace's game, we headed to Acacia Park for Charley's first game of the season. Perry was so cute in her soccer moccs, and she loved watching her sisters do their thing. Char Char had four goals, and her ball skills were so much better than last year. Girlfriend is a natural.

...we had Poppa and Gran, Grandma Espejo, and Uncle Elijah and Ashley at the games, and the girls loved having them all there. Thanks for coming, guys!

...Perr Perr had pizza for lunch and thought it was so yummy.

...the girls ate and then begged me to take them outside.

...while they rode their bikes around with the boys, Perry patted my back, while I patted hers. She's the sweetest.

...Daddy got home early that evening, so we went to the mall to get Perry's ears pierced. I wanted to go the tattoo parlor route, but no one would take her this young. She did great and only cried for a few seconds.

...since she was so good, we went to Cinnabon afterwards.

...Gracie was having a sleepover with her friend, Peyton, so we let Char pick out a new dress and some matching jewelry. She was pretty bummed that she wasn't getting to sleepover, too, but that cheered her right up.

...Gracie had a blast and actually made it through the night. She and Peyton went to pre-K together, and we put them in soccer together once they moved on to different schools for Kindergarten. I love that they are still such good friends.

...Char and Perr woke up early and sang songs in our bed.

...we stopped at the Coffee Bean (our favorite place ever), and then did some shopping. Perry wouldn't put her apple juice down. Martinelli's is where it's at. Charley made Daddy take her picture on the big, red ball out front, and Perr read books while we shopped at Target.

...we got our weekly groceries from Sprouts, and they gave the girls the cutest stickers.

...after picking up Grace, we headed back home to spend the day relaxing, while Daddy headed back to the race track. The girls played on the swings together, and then Perry watched Moana. Grace and Char helped me plant some flowers in these super cute planting pots we got, and we planted carrots in a see-through container to watch them grow.

...once we were done planting, it was back to the swings.

...Perry read me a book before it was time to cook dinner.

...she played on the floor for over thirty minutes, while I made dinner. This girls loves her books.

...she ate a baked sweet potato for dinner and loved it.

...after dinner, we went on a walk, while the girls rode their bikes. Perry fell asleep in her stroller, as usual.

Another week down. See you next time!

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