All of the Princesses {Day One in Disneyland}

We woke up Monday morning ready to conquer Disneyland. Our first stop was breakfast with the princesses at Ariel's Grotto. We come here every time we're in town, because it's the easiest way to see the princesses, and their breakfast is delish.

After chatting it up with Ariel, the girls colored while they waited for Snow White to make it to our table.

Every picture turned out the same way: one with Grace and Char so happy to hang with the princess, and one with Perry added in crying. She was cracking us up, because she'd cry when we put her in the picture and then stop immediately when we'd put her back in her seat. She loved pointing at the princesses and smiled at them, but she did not want to move out of her comfort zone, aka: the high chair.

She ate a ton of watermelon and strawberries. Check out those cheeks,

Charley got a birthday cupcake, and we all sang to her, which totally made her day.

Next up was Cars Land. Daddy took the girls on the Radiator Springs Racers, while I hung out with Perry and got her to nap in her stroller.

When they came back from their ride, Isaac brought me a rider switch pass, which meant I got to take the girls on again through the Fast Pass line. It was my first time, because Daddy always gets to do this ride, and it was so much fun!

The girls liked going with me better than Daddy, because our car won the race. This picture turned out hilarious. Don't see me? Oh, that's because my hair is blowing in my face, covering the whole thing.

Daddy hung with Perr, while the girls and I went on Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters. They were so funny while we waited in line and kept tickling each other while I tried getting a picture.

Of course Charley chose the mint car. That was her theme this entire trip. A girl after my own heart.

Perry had woken up by the time we were done, so the girls all hopped in the stroller to head to Ariel's Undersea Adventure. One the way, we saw Judy Hops and Nick Wilde, so you know we had to stop and say hi.

We finally made it under the sea, and Perry loved all the singing and bright colors.

Bugs Land was next, and Daddy took turns with the girls, letting them drive Tuck and Roll's Drive 'Em Buggies.

We waited in line for Flik's Flyers, and Perry kept sticking her tongue out. It's so funny, and makes me laugh every time.

The girls chose the apple sauce box, because they're all obsessed with organic apple sauce pouches. Perry did so good on all of the rides, and loved sitting in between her big sisters.

It was getting warm, so the girls ran through Princess Dot's Puddle Park to cool off. Then we headed over to Francis' Ladybug Boogie. This one had us all laughing as we spun around in circles.

We snuck on Monsters, Inc. before heading over the Disneyland for the rest of the day.

As soon as we walked in, we saw Aurora. It was nice to tackle all of the princesses in one day and not have to worry about waiting in line for them the rest of the trip. She was so sweet and gave the girls a new pen when she put theirs to sleep on accident.

Perry ate her first churro, while we waited for Mickey's Soundsational Parade to start. She obviously enjoyed it.

The parade started, and Perry was as cool as a cucumber. She enjoyed it, but she didn't make a peep the entire time.

Charley and Grace, on the other hand, pointed out every character and couldn't believe they were seeing them all in person. It has been over a year since we've been to Disneyland, so Char was a lot younger, and it was almost like she was seeing everything for the first time, which made the trip so much fun.

When the parade ended, we went to It's a Small World. This may have been Perr's favorite as she danced to the song the whole time and loved riding in the boat.

Daddy took his traditional picture with the girls trying to remove the sword from the stone.

...we went on Pirate's of the Caribbean, and Perry slept the entire ride, even through the drops.

...after Pirate's, we headed back towards our parade spot for the Main Street Electrical Parade. I remember watching this one with my dad when I was a kid, and the music was my favorite. It was so fun to get to watch it with my girls. Every float was exactly as I remembered it.

Charley met a friend from Texas while we waited for the parade to start and sat next to her while they watched it. Perry was a little more into this one as she pointed at the characters and ooh'd and ahh'd over the lights.

We wrapped up our first day and headed back to the hotel. We still had a lot to do in the coming days, and since we didn't nap that afternoon, we were all exhausted.

Stay tuned for more Disney magic...

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