Last Week...

...Charley had her last practice of the season on Monday, complete with trophies, awards, and cake. She was given the Most Energetic Player award, because she's nuts and can run all over the field without stopping. We are so proud of how hard she played this season, and watching her love for soccer grow has been awesome.

...back at home, Perry was loving her first juice box.

...after dinner, we played outside and the girls ate Otter Pops while jumping on the trampoline.

...Perry fell asleep quickly after her nightly bath.

...Char Char came to work with me Tuesday, and we went to Grimaldi's to have pizza for lunch.

...Perry ate leftover tacos again for dinner, and was giving us the cutest smiles while she chowed down.

...Ava started giving out little smirks and smiles at the office while she played.

...Perry had her one year check-up and did great. While we were there, she impressed the doctor (and me) by saying the words "hi" and "cheese" for the first time.

...meanwhile, Grace hung out with her besties across the street.

...when we got home, we had a package from Freshly Picked, and they sent Perry some of their new sandals to help with their release next week. I've had my eye on the platinum ones, since that's our favorite color mocc, and we were so excited to see them in the box. Obviously, we had to try them on right away.

...Perry found the bathtub drain and thinks it's so funny to open it mid-bath. I think it's because she loves the running water and knows I'll turn it back on when the water drains a bit.

...she was the best snuggler when it was time to go to bed. I'll never get enough hugs from this little peanut.

...we hung out in the yard before soccer practice on Thursday, and Perr looked adorable in her overalls.

...she was determined to find her cell phone in the diaper bag at practice and dove in head first.

...she was sleeping hard Friday morning, and I had to snap this picture before I woke her up.

...Ava wasn't happy at work, so I swaddled her and got her to sleep in 0.5 seconds. Girlfriend loves Auntie's swaddle.

...the girls played on the trampoline that evening, since we had nothing going on for once.

...Saturday morning was Kinder registration, and I was so proud of Charley. She wasn't shy like Grace was (probably because she already knows Danielle Grant - one of the BEST kinder teachers), and she did great when she went back and answered their questions. She also had to write her name and draw a picture of herself, which was super cute. Why does she look so big all of the sudden?

...when we left the school, we grabbed some breakfast burritos and iced coffee and headed to the park. The girls played for a while in the tunnels and on the swings.

...Grace and Char helped Perry walk up the big hill, and they all looked so precious holding hands.

...we stopped by Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's for a bit. Grandpa helped Gracie with a shot gun to see if she was strong enough to handle it and go shooting with him. It turns out she needs another year or so to work it on her own. She said, "well, I haven't been working out as much lately".

...Charley had the game of her life and scored EIGHT goals for her last game of the season. Her previous two games she had six and seven goals. This girl is on fire.

...after Char's game, we headed to the mall, because I wanted to get a Beachwaver. We didn't have the stroller for Perry, so Isaac insisted on pulling the kids in the wagon. I told him he looked ridiculous (especially with the pillows he had to buy), and he was convinced that you'd see dads all over the mall with wagons the next time we went. up was Grace's last game of the season, and Perry was pooped. She slept through most of it. The girls played great, but didn't get the win this time. I couldn't be more proud of their friendship and determination, though. They won all but two games this season and played so hard.

...Perry played with her water table and hung out in her swing, while Grace and Char jumped on the trampoline with Daddy once we were home for the night.

...Sunday was Mother's Day, and I woke up to flowers, crafts, and the sweetest "mom" necklace from my girls. The flowers that Perry and Charley made me and the jar of reasons why Grace loves me were the best gifts I could have received. My girls are all so sweet, and I love them so stinking much. Being their mom is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.

...we ate breakfast on the back patio, while the girls played.

...after breakfast, we met Grandma Espejo, Auntie Elisha, and Brielle at the Art Fest on Water Street. Grace got a henna tattoo, and we saw some pretty cool artwork, while the babies rode around in the wagon.

...after stopping at home for a quick nap, we headed to Town Square to meet Papa Craig, Grandma Sunshine, Poppa Allen, and Gran for dinner at Brio. While we waited for our table, we walked around and did some playing in the park. I made sure to wear my new "mom" necklace, per Grace's request. wasn't long before we were ready to eat, and the food and company were both fabulous.

...the girls dragged us back to the park afterwards where they helped Perry go down the slide and ran amok through the playground.

I had the perfect Mother's Day with my kiddos. I am so lucky to have them, and we are all lucky to have so many amazing grandmas in our life. They are all so loving and supportive, and we've surely been blessed beyond measure.

We love you all so much!

Happy Mother's Day!!

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