Last Week...

...we spent Monday, Tuesday, and half of Wednesday in Disneyland, which was so much fun, as usual.

...when we got home Wednesday evening, birthday cards had started rolling in for Perry, and she had fun opening and reading them to us.

...she was exhausted from our busy start to the week, and she passed out in her DockATot.

...the next morning, she napped early and often to catch up on her Z's.

...we cleaned up the backyard to get ready for her first birthday fiesta that weekend and noticed that our roses were blooming. Perry loved to smell them, and the colors were so pretty.

...when the big kids got home from school, they had a squirt gun war, while Perry hung out in her swing.

...Char missed her soccer practice Monday, so she practiced with Gracie's team that evening. She loves to play with the big girls.

...we got her pictures back, and they turned out so cute. Hopefully, we can keep these girls together next season, because Char loves all of them and her coach, Deedra.

...Perry turned ONE on Friday, and I made this sweet video of photos from her first year to play at her party.

...we hit up Costco to get all the food for the party, and Char and Perry snuggled the whole way through the store.

...Char made a rainbow cloud and played with her bunny mask that she brought home from school the week before.

...Saturday morning, both of the girls had soccer games. Perry hung out on her blanket, while Gracie let 0 goals and Charley scored 7. These kids make me so proud!

...that afternoon was super busy as we partied away to celebrate Perry turning one. She had a complete fiesta with carne asada, a pinata, and a cactus smash cake.

...I ordered mini cactus plants from California for the favors, and they were so adorable.

...we had homemade lemonade and margaritas flowing freely.

...Perry's cactus smash cake turned out super cute, and I couldn't believe she was already a year old as I stuck the candle in the top.

...these cookies were the cutest things I've ever seen. Thanks to Nat Sweets for making them for us!

...I spent the days before the party making this garland of Perry's monthly pictures. She's grown so quickly, and it's hard to remember her being so tiny.

...guests started arriving, and it was obvious that this little lady was going to be spoiled with gifts.

...she looked so adorable in her peacock dress. Kasie made her an "uno" sticker to put on the front, so we didn't have to ruin the dress. She also made "tacos y besos" stickers for Grace and Char's shirts, and they turned out SO cute!

...we had a little photo booth type set up by the door, and the kids loved playing with the props.

...Perry got down on some tacos, her favorite food ever.

...we sang Happy Birthday, and she didn't mess around when it came to her cake. Girlfriend dove right in and tore it up. I don't think she even ate any. It was just fun to play with.

...after a quick bath, it was time for the pinata. We started with the smallest kids first, and everyone took a turn trying to break it open.

...obviously, Noah was the one to break it open. All of the kids dove to the ground to get as much candy as they could carry. Even Perry was in on the action.

...she snuck into her play house to eat some suckers, and wasn't happy when I took the gum away from her. We took her inside to open presents and cheer her up. Girlfriend made out like a bandit with all kinds of new toys, cars, and a Little People doll house.

...we had such a blast at her party. Thank you so much to everyone that celebrated with us and made our girl feel special on her big day. We love you all so much!

...Perry was understandably tired after her big fiesta. She slept so sweetly in the pack 'n play.

...we had a random thunder storm that night, and Grace and Char loved watching the lightning with me.

...Perr woke up the next morning only to fall right back to sleep in our bed.

...when she finally got up for good, she watched TV with Daddy, while I made her some left over tacos for breakfast.

...this girl could eat tacos for every meal. Who am I kidding? So could I! sprinkled outside, so we sat on the back patio watching the rain.

...after finally getting Perry's new truck put together, we took it out front to test it out. She loved riding in it, playing bubbles with sisters, and stomping around on the wet ground in her boots.

We've had the busiest past couple of weeks. It's not going to slow down for a while, either, as we approach the last days of school, the end of soccer season, and my sister's wedding in Ohio.

See ya next week :)

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