Last Week...

...I needed to get some pictures of Perry in her new Freshly Picked sandals to post supporting their release this week, so we took pictures in our favorite peacock dress. She found the rose bushes, so I picked one for her, and she refused to put it down until I bribed her with her rocking unicorn.

...Gracie had lunch in the principal's office with her friends, and Mrs. Skramstad texted me a picture of the cute girls.

...I went to Pinot's Palette with my mom and sisters for Mother's Day, and Isaac texted me a picture of Perry fast asleep before I even got there. canvas started out blank, and I was pretty happy with it midway through. final product wasn't the best, so it'll probably be stored away in some closet until it's discovered one hundred years from now and deemed a masterpiece.

...Shelly sent me this video of Grace finally playing kickball for the first time. She's usually too shy/embarrassed, but girlfriend did great, and I was proud that she finally tried it.

...Perry helped clean up the cones with her friend Londyn after Grace's soccer practice.

...Charley had picture day at school, and she picked her teal dress. I put Perry in teal and raspberry to match, so hopefully they turn out cute!

...the Unertls came over for dinner, and the kids had so much fun playing together. It's so hard to get a picture of the five of them all together smiling, but I think these'll do.

...Kasie made this adorable shirt for Perry, and she obviously loved it. (Check out Rough and Tumble Tees on Etsy to see more of her super cute designs!)

...Miss Dawn sent me this picture of Perry getting down on some Oreos. She made quite the mess. of her favorite things to do is FaceTime Daddy when he's on his way home from work. She loves him SO much and is actually yelling "DADA!" and waving at the computer, while I'm sitting here typing this.

...the girls played outside where Grace got Charley to try kickball for the first time.

...after dinner, we moved it to the backyard so the girls could play with Perry's water table in their new swimsuits.

...we went to Hash House a Go Go for breakfast Saturday, where I tried oatmeal for the very first time, and Isaac had a banana brown sugar pancake that looked delightful.

...Perry was her usual cheeseball self.

...I caught her taking a bite out of a crayon and thought I got it all out of her mouth. She kept making this silly faces afterwards that had us cracking up.

...Grace's team played in a tournament over the weekend, and they won their first game to move to the next round. She played forward for a bit instead of just goalie and loved it.

...we stopped at Poppa and Grandma's to visit for a bit, and Perry loved playing in the front yard with Poppa Ron.

...back at home, Daddy played tickle monster, and Perry helped Char out by yelling with her.

...Perr slept in her pack 'n play and looked so comfy.

...Sunday morning, Grace had another tournament game. We got there a little early to set up, and the girls tried teaching Perry how to score a goal. Watching them all together on the field just melted my heart.

...Grace gave Perry a quick squirt of water, and she kept coming back for more.

...we watched these girls play together for the last time, as two of them are moving up. Isaac will be the head coach next season, and we're hoping to keep at least the other five of them together. They've bonded and have the sweetest friendships. I just love watching them every week at practice and during games. I was sad for this season to end, but we are already looking forward to next season. Who knew I'd turn into a real life soccer mom?!

...after their game, we met Papa Craig, Grandma Sunshine, and the rest of the family at the Cheesecake Factory for brunch. The girls colored, while the rest of us caught up with one another. It was great to see Dave and Pat, so we had to grab some pictures after we ate.

...back at home, Perry snacked on crushed pineapple - one of her favs. Not sure if she actually got any into her mouth, though.

...after a much needed bath and nap, girlfriend had her first taste of Omaha Steaks hot dogs and loved it. She also sat at the big girl table for the first time, and was so excited.

...she is constantly bringing her shoes out of the closet and trying to put them on. Baby girl loves her shoes and will hand them to us, point at her foot, and say "joosh".

...she is still being swaddled every night, and looks so sweet when it's time for bed. Especially with that little after bath combover.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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