Last Week...

...Monday was Memorial Day, so Isaac and I had the day off work. It was so nice to hang at home and relax for once. The girls got dressed up for the occasion, as per usual, and looked so adorable. I couldn't help but take a few pictures.

...Perry must have been exhausted from all of the pool time the day before, because she took three naps! She chowed down on a breakfast burrito in between, and was so silly during her bath.

...ever since she moved up to the toddler class at school, this kid has been talking like crazy. You can't understand her most of the time, but girlfriend has a lot to say.

...she also learned how to blow bubbles in the water and was cracking me up with the faces she was making.

...Char wore her Super Girl costume for most of the day, and insisted on hugging Perry at least a million times.

...Grace went shopping with me, so we stopped for lunch. When I asked her what she wanted, she asked for "a burger from Five Guys Burgers and Fries with extra tomatoes". She's definitely a girl after my own heart.

...Perry was super giggly before bed that night.

...Grace brought home some projects from school Tuesday that included a Memorial Day book, instructions on How to Make Popcorn, Fractions, and an All About Me page.

...we had her end of the season soccer party at our house that night where her coach announced that he won't be coaching next season. Isaac decided to take on the team, and we're excited to start back up in the fall. I'm so proud of these girls and how much they grew last season. I love each of them so much after spending so many days a week together. They're the best group of girls, and I love that Grace has built friendships with them all. Here's to reading "Soccer Coaching for Dummies" so we can try to teach them a few things next season!

...Perry passed out quickly after we got to bed pretty late.

...she wore her sweet strawberry outfit to school on Wednesday, and looked super cute.

...Char tried on her flower girl dress for Auntie Andrea's upcoming wedding, and looked so pretty.

...we flew to Ohio Thursday night after work, and the girls did so well. They watched movies, colored, and napped.

...Perry was so silly and played until she passed out.

...Friday morning, the kids played in the rental. Perry loved going up and down the stairs, so Daddy had to sit on them to block her.

...Char loved our bed and got comfy at nap time.

...the girls had fun running around outside and enjoying all of the green scenery. They weren't impressed with the giant-sized bugs and the fear of ticks, though.

...we all got ready for the rehearsal dinner and headed out the door.

...of course we played with Snapchat, while we waited.

...we met Dan and Andrea at their beautiful barn venue, and the girls had fun checking the place out.

...while we rehearsed for the wedding, they played with a frog that they had found. Grace and Char were both too scared to hold it.

...after the rehearsal, we met up for dinner at a pretty little Roadhouse.

...Perry fell asleep on the way home, but Grace and Char stayed up to play for a bit.

...we spent Saturday celebrating Dan and Andrea and had so much fun at their wedding.

...we had a few hours to kill until our flight home Sunday afternoon, so we stopped by the Center of Science and Industry, where the kids could play and run off some energy.

...the walkway in had different musical instruments that you could play, so of course the girls had to try them out.

...our first stop was the space exhibit. Grace and Char flew a rocket ship and helped Daddy drive a moon buggy.

...then we headed to the water exhibit, where Perry loved the water shooting up from the floor.

...Grace played with an air canon that shot a tennis ball up to the ceiling.

...we headed outside to the Big Science Park, where Grace lifted a car with a lever.

...Daddy showed the girls this huge vacuum that sucked in foam balls and then shot them out the top. This was definitely Perry's favorite part of the day. She played with it over and over and over.

...the girls yodeled into an echoing tube.

...Grace and Char tried to put as many balls into the vacuum as they could, so they'd all shoot out the top at the same time.

...we headed inside to go in the little kids area, so Perry could play. They had tractors, slides, and fun farm set ups where you could pick vegetables. up were the water tables. Perry sat in one and loved it. Grace and Char built windmills and shot them with water to make them move.

...we went to the Planetarium for a show about the constellations, and the girls loved it. It was a "no photo" zone, so I didn't get any pictures, but it was pretty amazing. soon as the show was over, we made our way to the airport. We got to the gate just as they started boarding, and Charley and Perry passed out almost immediately. Grace sat with Papa and Grammy and watched her iPad.

...when they woke up, Perry colored and watched movies with Gracie.

...Daddy let her listen to his head phones, and she loved hearing the Trolls music and dancing.

We made it home safely, ready to start a new week Monday morning. Although we had a lot of fun in Ohio, we're looking forward to getting back to our regular schedule. Congrats again to Dan and Andrea! We are so happy for you guys <3

See ya next week!

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