Last Week...

...we ended last week with Perry going to bed early after having a fever all day Sunday. Monday morning, she wasn't any better, and it got up to 103.5 that night. We gave her a cold bath, and her temp came down a couple of degrees. I didn't get much sleep, so I decided to take her to work with me instead of dropping her off at school. nine o'clock, I had throw up all down my shirt and pants. I called the doctor and took her in around ten. They basically said she has no ear infection, and we just had to wait it out. Her bottom molars still hadn't cut through, and her poor little gums were so swollen. I figured it had to be teething, but the high temp was throwing me off.

...Toodles was happy when I picked up Grace and Char, and we all came home early that day. He snuggled in front of the window and slept the afternoon away.

...I got the girls snow cones from Purple Penguin, and Perry snacked on Cheerios, while Char ate hers at the table.

...I ordered the girls Native shoes, because they have to have water shoes for water days at school. They came in that afternoon, and Perry loved hers. She kept carrying them around sayings "shoes, shoes", so we put them on and tried them out in the backyard.

...she passed out in my lap as soon as we came inside. I didn't mind the cuddles at all.

...for dinner, I made Perry chicken with shredded cheese, but she stole Charley's dino nugget and ate that instead.

...I gave her a bath, and she went to bed early again Monday night. We had lots of snuggles all night long, because her temp got up to 104.9, which really had us freaking out. The cold bath brought it down to 102.7, but she was not a happy camper, and no one was getting much sleep that night. I don't get why it's ALWAYS worse at night.

...the next morning, she was pretty congested and still had a fever, so I stayed home with the girls again.

...we played dress up, and I was cracking up at Perry's outfit as we played outside. You can tell by the look on her face that she was miserable, but I figured she needed some Vitamin D to feel better.

...we FaceTimed Daddy, because that's Perry's favorite thing to do when he is at work.

...the girls played inside most of the day, and I even got Grace and Char to vacuum the living room.

...we had a quick outfit change after another puking session. Thankfully, there weren't too many of those.

...we spent some more time outside while we waited for Daddy to come home from work.

...poor Perry just wasn't feeling well at all, but at least the fever had finally gone away!

...we filled up her water table, and the girls used the hose to soak the trampoline. They had a blast jumping on it, while Perry just wanted to sit on my lap.

...Wednesday was Grace's 7th birthday, so Grandma Sunshine picked the girls up and took them to breakfast.

...after breakfast, they went to the Sealife Aquarium where they fed stingrays and sharks and Charley held a bird named Charley.

...the girls had so much fun! Gracie decided that she wanted her birthday dinner to be at Lucille's. We headed there as soon as Daddy got home from work. Perry got down on some mac and cheese, while Gracie and Char devoured some ribs.

...our waiter brought her out an ice cream sandwich, so we sang Happy Birthday to her.

...after dinner, she wanted to play in the splash pad. The birthday girl always gets what she wants.

...when we got home, we had an ice cream cake for her. She has been telling me for a year that she doesn't really feel six, because she never got to blow out candles on a cake at her sixth birthday party. We decided to put six candles on this cake, and save the seven for her party.

...Perry had a good night of sleep with NO fevers. Yay!!

...Ava was smiley at work on Thursday.

...Perry still wasn't herself when we got home, so I gave her some extra lovin', and we played with her favorite doll house. We also had an outfit change after she ate a piece of pizza and got it everywhere.

...she slept well again that night, and we were finally out of the woods. She was fine after that, and I guess it must've just been those darn molars breaking through. Poor babe had a rough week with all four coming in within ten days of one another.

...I took her temperature so many times, that she got used to the thermometer and started to like it.

...after school, we played on the bed, while Gracie opened some birthday cards that she got in the mail. Girlfriend scored in the cash department. Thanks to all of our family members that sent her cards. She loved getting mail (and kept adding up her money and telling us she was rich).

...we met the Espejos for dinner at Chapalas, and the girls had fun playing with Presley.

...Gracie got another birthday dessert with candles after dinner.

...Saturday morning, I had to make cupcakes for Grace's party, per her request. While she slept in on the couch, Charley helped me mix the batter.

...Perry played with Toodles. He just lets her grab him and hold him without any reaction. He's the best.

...I let the girls eat cupcakes for breakfast, because I'm the best mom ever. Perry obviously enjoyed hers.

...after baths, I got the girls all ready to go. One of Perry's favorite things is to play with the bows and clips in her bag. She loves to take them all out and put them all back in again.

...the girls ate cereal before we left to pick up some last minute stuff at Party City.

...Grace had her seventh birthday party at Crystal Palace Skating Rink. It was so much fun and one of the easiest parties we've ever done. This kids were hilarious slipping and sliding all over the place before they started to get the hang of it. 

...after lots of skating, the kiddos sat down for pizza, and Grace was so happy to have her girls there. soon as they were done eating, it was back to the rink for more fun.

...we sang Happy Birthday, and Grace got to blow out her candles that she had been waiting for.

...Perry enjoyed the cupcakes again, and then we all skated some more.  

...when we got home, Perry was pooped and went right to bed.

...the next morning, she woke up in the best mood. 

...we met my dad and Ellie for breakfast at Hash House a Go Go. We love their breakfast!

...after that, we headed over to my mom's house to celebrate Rick's birthday and Father's Day. I had to snap a picture of Daddy and his girls in the sweetest shirts that Kasie made for them.

...we spent the rest of the day in the pool enjoying the sunshine.

...after swimming, we grilled some hamburgers, and Perry walked around in a Brock Lesnar costume. It was so funny, because she loved it and swung her arms like those were her real muscles.

...back at home, baby went to sleep after a quick bath, and I admired her baby tan lines.

...we snuggled, while I watched King Arthur with Isaac. It was such a good movie. I highly recommend it! Perry woke up a few minutes before bed time, and we played peek-a-boo until I finally got her back to sleep. I was so glad that she was back to her silly self!

Phew. That was a long one. Probably one of our busiest weeks ever!

Happy Father's Day to Isaac and all of the best papas, poppas, and Grandpas around. We love you all so much and are SO lucky to have you to love on all of us <3

See ya next time!!

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