Last Week...

...Perry was extra cuddly this week, and when I felt in her mouth, she had sprouted two molars on the top!

...we had Chinese food for dinner, and girlfriend got down on the chow mein.

...Gracie brought home some summer-themed writings with a bucket list and a story about what she wanted to do this summer (it involves lots of Slurpees).

...Charley shared her honey bun with Perr, and she loved it.

...Perry loves to talk now that she's in the toddler room at school, and she does so all the time (in her own little gibberish).

...she painted with yellow at school on Wednesday, as evidenced by her shirt. She snacked on graham crackers when we got home. They're her current favorite snack, and she'll go through a whole pack if I let her.

...she still loves to be swaddled at bed time, and it's the sweetest.

...I realized her two bottom molars were trying to cut through when we had a couple of restless nights. She's lucky she's so cute.

...Grace had her last day of 1st Grade, and it was Hawaiian themed. I can't believe how she's grown this year. Time really is the biggest thief.

...Perry was extra sleepy in the mornings, and I had to wake her up for school.

...she had some rosey cheeks from those molars, and she ran around in her diaper while Grace and Char played ABC Mouse on the computer.

...Gracie got certificates from A-B Honor Roll and a Sweet-tart award for being such a sweetheart. I found them in her backpack and asked why she didn't show me. She said, "they told me to put them in my backpack and not show my parents, because they'd be surprised when they found them". I highly doubt that, but OK, Grace.

...the Gerfys came over for tacos and the NBA Finals game, and the girls had fun playing with Amelia, while we watched basketball.

...Perry slept hard that night, and I finally got a good night of sleep.

...she woke up in the silliest mood and was giving me some funny faces.

...we went to Presley's dance recital Saturday morning, and she did so good! Way to go, Pres. We love you!

...we headed to Peyton's birthday party at noon, and it turns out it wasn't until three. Since we had a few hours to kill, we went to Olive Garden for lunch. Perry loved the breadsticks and pasta, and Charley tried a mussel with marinara and actually liked it and went back for seconds.

...we dropped Grace off at Peyton's for the birthday party sleepover and Charley went to Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's to sleepover with Presley and Paxton. Perry loved having us all to herself, but she kept looking for her sisters and listening up the stairs to see if she could hear them up there.

...Gracie had a blast with her friends, and Peyton's mom sent some cute pictures of the girls swimming and playing together. Grace made Peyton the sweetest birthday card, and I love that she ended it with "You are the bestist frend ever. BOOM!".

...Perry woke up with the best bed head. We went grocery shopping and picked up the girls, and she was so excited to see her sisters.

...she was also coming down with something and had a fever all day. She napped in her DockATot and then again on Daddy's lap, while I made dinner.

...I saw someone post this recipe on Facebook, so I decided to try it, and it turned out SO good. We'll definitely be making it again soon.

...Perry went to bed early and didn't feel good throughout the night. Let's hope whatever it is passes quickly, and no one else gets it!

See ya next week!

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