Last Week...

...we stopped to grab some groceries at Albertons on the way home from school Monday, and Perry insisted that I open the Ritz Crackers right there in the store. Girlfriend has no patience.

...she got her first taste of Cool Whip when we made strawberry shortcake for dessert.

...she fell asleep at 6:30 that night. She was obviously still sleepy from being so busy the week before. (Probably from the lack of sleep last week, too, thanks to those pesky molars.)

...she was still asleep when we were getting ready to leave the next morning, and I had to wake her up to get her dressed.

...Tuesday morning, Perry brushed her teeth while hanging out in the La-Z-Boy with big sister.

...she slept next to Daddy in her DockATot that night, and I had to snap a picture before I went to bed. They're so cute!

...Wednesday was Charley's Preschool Graduation. She was my baby for so long, that it's hard for me to believe she's about to start Kindergarten. This girl has grown so much these past few months, and she's so independent and spunky. We're so proud of how hard she worked in Preschool to learn her letters, numbers, and colors in English, Spanish, and sign language. I was also proud that while other kids wanted to be a garbage man, Ninja Turtle, and a tree when they grow up, my Char Char wants to be a doctor!

...obviously, she chose her favorite teal dress to wear for the occasion. Almost all of her grandparents came, and she was so excited that they were all there for her. Thank you all for coming! It really meant the world to her.

...we had a play date at Town Square with lots of kids from my favorite online Mom Group. It includes moms from all over the country, so it was cool to connect with the ones that live nearby. Jen is also in the group, so having Nolan and Acelyn there was just icing on the cake for the girls. They were all so cute playing together and running through the splash pad!

...after our play date, we stayed for dinner with the Keltons. Perry chewed on lemons, while we waited for our food. soon as we got home from school the next afternoon, Charley ran upstairs to change her clothes as she normally does. This day, she chose "a sparkly tutu to go with her grapefruit pocket tee and bright Mickey ears". This girl sure does keep me laughing.

...Perry slept peacefully Friday night, and I rocked her while I binge watched House of Cards.

...we went to Coffee Cup for breakfast Saturday morning. We used to go every Sunday, but it's been a while. We sure did miss their delicious coffee and breakfast.

...after we ate, we headed to Hemenway Park, where we all admired the big horn sheep. Once Perry noticed them, I had to keep stopping her from running towards them. Girlfriend loved them!

...after we had our fill of playing, we stopped at Chilly Jilly'z for some Dole Whips. was nap time back at home, because we still had a busy rest of the day.

...we went to Chase's birthday at Grammy and Papa Rick's house, where Perry got down on TWO big pieces of pizza. (Happy Birthday, Chase!!)

...the girls (and everyone else) swam the whole time, and Perry tried to play with baby Ava. She'll be running around with her in no time.

...we had dinner at the Luks that night with them and the Keltons. While the kids ran amok upstairs, we played Cards of Humanity, and it was SO.MUCH.FUN. 

...we headed to the Children's Discovery Museum on Sunday, and the girls had a blast. Gracie read to Perry, while Daddy got our tickets.

...we headed to the water room first, and they all loved it. Perry just kept finding balls to put in the sprinkler area, while Grace and Char used all of the different tools to move the water in different directions.

...little did we know, it was Super Hero Day. The girls were excited to see Wonder Woman and Super Girl while they were running in between exhibits. girls love playing make believe (all.the.time.) so they were totally in their element in the princess castle, pirate ship, and working in the Jamba Juice Kitchen. favorite was the Sunrise Children's Hospital, where they got to play doctor with lots of babies! There was even a real one they got to check up.

...Charley worked the cash register for all of the boys that were grocery shopping in Smith's. She was so cute telling them how much they had to pay.

...meanwhile, Perry was checking her luggage at the airport.

...we went into the atom exhibit, and Perry loved playing with the sand and paint brushes. She was a little too short and had to hang on to play with it. When I finally got her to leave it alone, Daddy built different molecules with the girls.

...the played on the pulley chairs, and Char even pulled herself up.

...on the way out, Gracie admired the Crayola heart statue.

...we walked over to Symphony Park to take some pictures in front of the color wall, and as usual, they turned out adorable.

...after such a fun day, we made fettuccine alfredo for dinner, and the girls loved every bite of it.

Another fun week in the books with my crazies!

See you next week <3

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