Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Hocus Pocus

Monday greeted us with a beautiful sunrise as we left the house.

Grace's class learned all about product development when her class made mazes and cars out of candy. They had other groups in their class test them and let them know if they were too easy or too hard. Then they had to change and retest them with another group. She loved this and couldn't wait to tell me all about it after school.

Perry snacked on cinnamon twists while we waited for Grace and Charley after school. I tried getting her to say "Ava", but she wasn't interested.

She brought home a pumpkin that she painted in class that day.

We met the Keltons and all of the family at HallOVeen at Opportunity Village that night. The girls loved the decorations, and we had fun checking out some rides while we waited for everyone else to arrive.

Don't mind Perry, she HATED the carousel.

When everyone else was there, we went around and trick or treated at all of the booths.

We took a train ride around the village to end the night, and Perry loved pointing at all of the different decor they had everywhere.

Tuesday was Halloween, so the girls wore costumes to school. Since they couldn't wear their main costumes, Perry was a Care Bear, and Grace and Char wore cat ears and painted on cat faces.

Charley's PE teacher texted me a picture of her swinging across these rings. She's getting so good at these and the monkey bars and can skip and go backwards now. They had a Halloween parade to the end the day.

She colored some pictures of bats, made a witch hat, and drew a monster named "Ded".

When we got home, we got ready quickly so we could trick or treat with our cousins and neighbors. The girls costumes were a hit, and they turned out SO good. Hocus Pocus has always been a huge favorite of my family's, so when I found out we were having our third girl, I knew we had to do this someday. We even got Perry a vacuum, which made the whole costume ensemble.

The kids had a blast, except for Grace, who came down with a stomach bug right as we were putting her wig on. She was a good sport through the pictures, but she hung out at the house instead of trick or treating, because the poor thing didn't feel good at all. 

Perry loved it and took each piece of candy from everyone to put in her own bucket instead of letting them put it in there themselves. Charley was crazy. All you would see is this long blonde hair and her dress flowing behind her as she ran from door to door like a maniac.

We had so much fun on Halloween, and Wednesday was back to business as usual. Perry decorated the number seven in class, and her teacher hung it on their board.

We went to Uncle Zac's Las Vegas Fire graduation and are so proud of him. He has been a firefighter for a while, but now he's in a better location, and he worked his butt off to get to this point. Congrats, Zacarias!

Perry had her eighteen month wellness check at the doctor's office on Friday. We waited forever, but she didn't have to get any shots. Yay!

She got super sticky after her lollipop from the doctor, so I gave her a quick bath before we picked up Gracie and Char. They ran into Noah and Easton, which meant we played outside all evening, and Perry was in need of another bath when we went inside for the night.

Saturday, the girls had late soccer games, so we went to Hash House a Go Go for breakfast.

When we were all full, we headed to Sunridge Park to watch Chase play t-ball. Since we were super early, we let the girls play for a while.

It was finally time for Chase's game, and we got to visit with the Medranos and the Bennallacks, while we watched Chase. He did so good and ran in a score as we all cheered him on.

Next up was Charley's soccer game. She played amazing, as usual, and I got some pretty cool pictures of her.

Gracie took over as photographer for a bit, and we got some interesting pictures.

It's not always easy getting a shot of six kids together.

We headed to Gracie's game, where Grandma Sunshine and Gran met us. She plays defense a lot, so there aren't as many cool shots, but girlfriend has a strong leg and can boot that ball all the way across the field. She's also pretty good about keeping the ball out of the net, which is awesome.

The girls love Jimmy Johns, so we went there for some sandwiches after their games.

Saturday night, we had some friends over to watch the fights, and we had thirteen kids in the house. They had so much fun, while we chatted with our besties and watched almost every underdog win their fight. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures. Oops!

Sunday morning, Perry napped after a late night. She and I went on a Target run, and Grace and Char set up a fancy lunch for Daddy and I when I got back.

That night, we went to Brielle's first birthday party at Run Plus Fun. The girls got in lots of cousin time running, sliding, and jumping all over the place.

Obviously, these two never have any fun when they get together. I just love watching them be so silly. Char loves Presley so much!

Brielle smashed her cake and blew out her first candle. I can't believe it's already been a whole year since she was born.

Perry munched on cupcakes on the sly.

Happy First Birthday, Brielle! We love you to the moon!!

Another busy week for us. See ya next time!

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