Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Cousin Time in Omaha

We headed over to the Sebastian's house after school to celebrate JJ's 5th birthday. Perry had a blast playing with all of the boy toys over there.

After jumping in the bounce house, breaking open the pinata, eating cake, and celebrating with the birthday boy, we headed to Chuck-E-Cheese for Charley's end of the season soccer party. She was so excited to play with her soccer besties and won the Winning Spirit Award. She had such a fun season with these girls, and they went undefeated. They're seriously the most skilled group of five and six year olds I've ever seen.

We got Char's book order in on Tuesday, and I went through it all after the girls went to bed. We got a ton of books this time around to do our 25 Books of Christmas advent countdown.

Perry was excited to show off her work after school on Wednesday. She loves school and is excited to go every morning.

Thursday, Isaac and I went to Char's Thanksgiving celebration. She was the cutest turkey and I couldn't stop smiling while she sang and danced with her friends before enjoying some pumpkin pie.

Perry made her own turkey at school that day, too.

Char brought home a Thankful Turkey book that she made, and it was so cute. She said she was thankful for her cat and pretty much everything about school.

She also made a Thanksgiving book and drew the best Indian you've ever seen.

Girlfriend's backpack was packed this week. She also got her certificates for passing levels 3 and 4 of Lexia.

Gracie learned about the Good Ol' Days and did a great job writing and comparing different things from long ago and today. She's getting so much better at writing and is making us so proud.

We were headed to Nebraska that night, so I finished up all of our packing just in time to leave for the airport. Perry helped me close the suitcases, and it was like a puzzle trying to get them all filled and keep them under fifty pounds. Eight days is an awful lot to pack for when you've got five people traveling.

Charley was upset because she thought he had a cavity in the back of her mouth. She kept making me check her teeth, and I kept telling her that I didn't see anything. Finally, after about five looks, I noticed her six year molars starting to pop through. She made me take a picture to show her and was super relieved that she wasn't getting a cavity but a new tooth instead!

The girls were so good at the airport and watched movies before we boarded the plane.

We had the coolest pilots who invited the girls to check out the cockpit before take off. They said it was like Christmas with all the lights and wanted the girls to sit in their seats. Grace and Char were too scared. I think they thought they might actually want them to fly the plane, so they were content to look from afar.

Everyone slept on the late night flight, while I caught up on some shows.

We got in super late, and it was pouring rain. Luckily, we made it to Grandma Sally's and got right into bed to sleep. The next morning was beautiful, and the girls loved playing out back and watching the river run. We spent the rest of the day at Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's catching up with everyone.

We went to The Mark that night for drinks and dinner, and the girls had so much fun playing in the arcade.

Sunday, it was back to Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's to play with cousins.

The girls rode around on bikes, and we enjoyed the chilly air, since it was still in the eighties back home.

When we heard the ice cream man, we had to get popsicles for all of the girls. 

We decided to rake the leaves in the front yard, and the kids couldn't wait to jump in the piles. They had a blast throwing them everywhere, burying themselves, and raking them back up to do it all over again.

We went back inside to take some pictures of everyone, since we don't get to see them very often. The girls were loving all the time they had with their cousins.

We were having so much fun and still had the next week in Omaha with family.

Stay tuned for more from our trip...

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