Last Week..

Picture of the Week: Final Soccer Games of the Season

Monday afternoon we had the girls' Parent/Teacher conferences. They both went extremely well, and I could not be more proud of Gracie and Char Char.

Char's was up first, and Mrs. Grant had nothing but good things to say about Charley. She's a quick learner, and loves to get really involved in whatever they are working on. As she continues to get better at sounding out words and reading, she's also doing well with her math work. We got a progress report that shows a '1' if the student is working on a skill and a '2' if the student has mastered that skill. Charley's report was almost completely filled with 2's, and they still have another six months of school to get all of them mastered. She's going to be our little smarty pants.

Grace's conference made me so happy. She's struggled with reading since Kindergarten, and it's finally starting to click. She was at about 36 words per minute at the beginning of the year, and her last two tests came in at 66 and 59 words per minute. We've been reading lots at home, and it's really showing. Her teacher said she is a super creative writer and always has the best stories to write about with lots of descriptive words and sounds. She loves math and always excels at that, so she's doing great there, as well. Grace is a lover, and her teacher told us that she greets her with a hug every morning and has a huge heart when working with other kids. She's great at pushing them along without being condescending and is so empathetic with all of her peers.

Isaac and I left with huge smiles on our faces and our hearts bursting with pride. We sure our lucky to have these sweet girls around.

We watched the Golden Knights game at home, and Charley made a video blog during the game.

That night, Perry went to bed as usual. She woke up a couple of hours later, right when I was ready to go to bed. She nursed and whined and nursed and whined. I would think she was asleep, and the second I would move, she'd start crying again. This kid kept me up all night. When I finally did fall asleep, I was able to get in three hours before I had to get up for work. All three of our girls have been pretty great sleepers, but this night took the prize for the worst of all time. Thank God it's not the norm around here.

Charley had to disguise a turkey to make sure he didn't get eaten for Thanksgiving dinner. She chose to disguise hers as a pig, and it turned out so adorable.

Mrs. Grant sent out a picture of their kindness chain, and it's almost touching the ground. Char's class is killing it in the kindness department.

At school, the girls play a game called Lexia. It tracks their progress and sends it to their teachers and works with them on all things reading and writing. Charley loves to play it, and I finally got it set up on her iPad for her to play whenever she wants.

Gracie and I made Chicken and Asparagus Teriyaki with homemade teriyaki sauce. We had to grate fresh ginger and mince fresh garlic cloves. She was such a big helper and helped chop and wash dishes the whole way through.

Dinner was a success, and everyone loved it...

...especially dessert.

Meanwhile, Char passed level three of Lexia and moved on to level four.

Perry snuck over to Daddy's lap and helped him eat his dinner after she was finished with hers.

She slept hard that night with a full belly.

Our new Freshly Picked diaper bag finally came in after we pre-ordered it in June! It's amazing, and I am totally obsessed with it. Isaac asked me if I ordered some designer purse when he saw it on the table and was surprised when I told him that it was Freshly Picked and was relatively inexpensive. It goes so deep down, holds so much, and my favorite part - the pockets are deep and can cover the diapers completely, so they don't get all wrinkled up in the bag. I can't get over how roomy this thing is as it easily holds everything Perry needs along with my laptop, a water bottle, and all of my mom needs (wallet, keys, cell phone, chapstick, etc.) while also keeping them easily accessible. Go get one if you haven't. They release TODAY on their website!

Grace and Char didn't have school on Friday due to Veteran's Day, so they slept over at Peyton's house Thursday and spent the day there Friday. They swam and had fun playing with their friends all day, while I worked.

(Thanks again for keeping them, Tiffany!)

We went to the Gerfy's Friday night to watch the Knights game, and Perry was super into the National Anthem. 

She was also super into her friends and had a blast with Claire and Amelia.

Charley's team had soccer pictures Saturday morning, and I cannot wait to get them back. She looked so cute.

We took some pictures of the girls since it was their last game day of the season.

When the game finally started, Perry snacked for a minute and then lost it. I literally picked her up, her eyes shut, and she was out.

After I got everything out of the wagon, I moved her in there where she napped for the rest of the game.

Char Char was a goal scoring machine, as usual.

Every time we go to the mall, the girls beg us to play the aquarium mini golf. We finally gave in and let them play after lunch. They loved it and had a blast.

Back at home, Grace and Char played Mario Kart with Daddy and then got their groove on playing Just Dance.

Perry was done for the night.

Sunday morning, we headed to the park after breakfast, so the girls could run some of their insane amounts of energy out. We ran in to the Farmers and the Stephens, and the kids had fun running amok together.

Perry napped in my arms when we got home, and I couldn't get enough of this little angel.

That afternoon, we went to Flip N Out Extreme for Kelly's birthday party. The girls jumped all over the place, so I just hung out with Perry. She loved the baby area, and had so much fun exploring all over the place.

Gracie played a jousting game and knocked Mia off the beam and onto the pillow. Then, Perry wanted to jump on the pillow, too. 

She followed Daddy through the trampolines and held her own pretty well.

It was finally time for pizza and cake. The girls had so much fun playing with their friends. We had never been to this place, and it was awesome.

Happy Birthday, Kel Kel! We love you <3

That's all for this week. See ya next time!

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