Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Fun at Cadence Park

Perry has been crazy about zipping her own zippers lately. I decided to let her wear this vest on Monday, and it was a hit, because girlfriend was all "I zip it" all morning, while we got ready to leave.

Charley brought home this camera that she made at school and took pictures of everyone all night long. Unfortunately, it doesn't save them, so I'm not able to share them with you.

We made Giant Turkey Meatball Parmesan for dinner that night, and the girls loved it.

We followed it up with Waffle Luv for dessert, because "balance".

The girls' custom Golden Knights bows came in, and they turned out SO cute!!

We caught a beautiful sunrise on our way to school the next morning.

Perry ate cereal in the car, while we waited for Grace and Charley to get back from school.

The girls had gymnastics that afternoon, and Perry loved watching them. Charley worked on her front hand springs, and finally made it over after a few slips.

Grace brought home a book that she made at school called "The Scary Night" all about the night Charley fell and busted her chin open (years ago). I just love reading her stories and getting things the way they happened from her point of view.

Perry brought home a painted heart that she made at school for Valentine's Day.

Grace's class made an edible map of our state. She talked about this project for at least a week before they actually did it. She was so excited about it!

I played with Perry on her classroom's playground for a bit, since we had some time to kill waiting for Grace and Charley.

Charley found my real camera and took some more selfies with her current favorite animal, Panda.

She brought home this sweet letter from her friend, Phoebe, and wanted to hang it on the fridge.

Gracie brought home another story that she wrote about Christmas and why it's her favorite holiday.

Perry did more Valentine crafts and colored with markers. I love that she doesn't like to leave any blank spaces on her pictures.

The fifth graders made roller coasters at school, and the other kids got to go check them out and vote for which one they liked best. The girls had so much fun and couldn't stop talking about them as we drove home from school that day.

Grace, Charley, and Easton roller bladed out front that evening. Gracie was doing so well, and I couldn't get over how quickly she was picking it up.

Perry stuck to her juice and her big wheel before moving on to chalk.

Gracie's teacher send me this picture of some work she found in another student's desk. Gracie is the sweetest girl and makes friends with everyone at school. I love how she has a million best friends.

Charley learned about Groundhog Day. We talked about it in the car, and it went a little something like this:

Charley: Mom, today is Groundhog Day!
Mom: I know! Do you know if Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning?
Charley: Nope. He didn't.
Mom: That's awesome. If he sees his shadow, we have six more weeks of winter, so doesn't that mean spring is coming sooner?
Charley: No! It means there is six more weeks of Christmas.

Okay, Char.

Perry carried her chalk all over the neighborhood, while the girls did some more roller blading.

We watched the Knights play at Matt and Frannie's and Perry fell asleep as soon as we got home.

She wore her cutest Pink Panther outfit on Saturday, and looked so adorable.

We went to Fausto's for breakfast, because my girls are obsessed with their breakfast burritos.

After breakfast, the girls wanted to cash in the coins in their piggy banks for dollars because we were taking them to the mall that afternoon. They got $117 after Coinstar took their share. Where on Earth did they get all of that?

While we were at the store, Daddy got the girls' some doughnuts, and Perry did some dancing.

We took the doughnuts over the Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's house where the girls colored, and Perry got ahold of the stickers.

That afternoon, we celebrate Kaitlyn's second birthday at my sister's house.

She had it decorated so cute with a "Two Wild" theme.

The girls had a blast playing outside on the play set with their cousins and sharing snacks in the tee pee.

After we sang Happy Birthday, Kait Kait was all about the cake.

Happy Birthday, Kait Kait! We love you!!

Sunday morning, we met Poppa and Gran for breakfast at The Coffee Cup. 

After breakfast, we took the girls to Cadence Park to play and snap some shots of their June and January swag that was releasing the next week. These outfits are some of my favorite. I love making them match or coordinate without being too matchy. They loved this playground and had so much fun climbing up and down the giant slide.

The girls were so good, so we stopped at The District for ice cream and some new shoes before heading home for the evening. 

Another busy week in the books! See ya next time :)

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