Last Week...

Picture of the Week: A Sneak Peek of our Family Photos

It started to rain as I was driving home from work on Monday, and then the brightest rainbow lit up the sky in front of me. It was the best view, but it disappeared by the time I picked the kids up.

Perry snacked on Junior Mints, and Grace made sure to document her chocolate-covered face.

Soccer season is upon us, and the girls started practice again. I was watching Grace when I heard, "Hey mom, look at me!", and found Charley in a tree.

We went to my parents' house to celebrate Isaac's birthday, and Papa fed Perry a Ding Dong, which she happily shoved into her mouth.

Isaac and Alex had to leave a little early, because we got a call that our fuel truck was on fire at the yard. It happened to be parked in between our office building and our fuel tanks, so we were thankful that the fire department was able to get it out so quickly. The fuel truck still had a bit of damage, though.

Perry and I hung out in the car for the first part of Charley's practice, because it was too cold outside.

One of my friends posted this, and I thought it was perfect. We are all struggling so hard to be the best mom/dad that we can be, and all our kids really want is our love (which happens to be the easiest thing we can give them!).

Wednesday was Valentine's Day, and of course I had Kasie make up the cutest shirts for the girls.

I tried getting a picture outside, and this sequence cracks me up. Perry saw two dogs being walked across the street. Then a dog on the other side of the house started barking. Then a big dog next door to us started barking really loud. Her facial expressions were hilarious.

I sent Isaac one of these Valentines every few minutes that morning. There were quite a few more, but these were my favs.

Grace's teacher sent home the cutest picture of her blowing kiss hearts.

Charley made a heart full of things she loves to pieces: ice cream, pizza, playing outside, and sandwiches.

The vet came in to Char's class to talk during career week, and they gave each kid a hair net and a mask. She walked around in them pretending to take care of Toodles for a while when she got home from school.

We watched the Golden Knights game, and Perry fell asleep after chanting "Go, Knights, Go" way to many times.

One of my favorite photographers scouted a new location and wanted to do a test shoot out there on Saturday. You know we were game, but that meant heading to the mall to search for coordinating outfits. I couldn't wait to get out there and see this place in person (she made me promise not to tell anyone where it was, so don't even ask).

While Isaac tried on some new shoes, I hung out with the girls in the kids' play area. Perry had so much fun climbing everywhere, and she kept pulling my hand and dragging me around with her.

After the mall, I made sure she got in a good nap, so she'd be happy for pictures.

We literally threw these outfits together last minute. I got my shirt at the mall, Isaac already had his, and I had just ordered these dresses for the girls a week before.

The drive to our location was beautiful, and we loved being in a location that was so true to Southern Nevada.

Jamie picked the best time for our photos, and we finished them up with this stunning sunset as our backdrop. I cannot wait to share them with you, because from the sneak peeks I've seen, they are gorgeous!

When we got home, the girls begged me to watch a movie with them, so we made a big, cozy bed in the living room and watched Coco together. It was soo good, and Perry hasn't let us turn it off since.

We started off Sunday morning with breakfast at The Coffee Cup.

Later that day, we went to the Nelsons to barbecue for Darrin's birthday, and we were so excited to see our old friends.

Perry and Amelia were the cutest BFFs ever sharing fruit, playing Ring Around the Rosie, and even playing a duet on the piano.

We stopped by the post office and mailed out the girls' valentines just a couple of days after Valentine's Day. Better late than never, right?

That's all for now. See you next week <3

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