Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Go, Knights, Go!

Perry did not want to wake up Monday morning, but she was still so adorable trying to tell me she didn't want to go to school.

Luckily, the girls had Monday off for President's Day. Grandma Sunshine picked them up at my office and took them to the Golden Knights practice. They had so much fun watching their favorite players skate around the arena.

Grandma sent me the cutest pictures of the girls having a blast with her all day. They sure do love their grandma time.

That night, Isaac and I tried out these ear wax candles that we always hear about. Grace and Charley were terrified. Char asked, "is Daddy going to die?". It was hilarious to watch them. Perry just thought it was funny. I didn't really notice a difference with anything, but they did have a lot of wax in the middle afterwards.

Tuesday, I got a car wash at work. When I picked the girls up, Charley gave Perry a piece of cornbread in the back seat. Thanks, Char! 

Perry was all smiles at soccer practice even though we were freezing!

Grace brought home a packet all about shapes, and I loved her shape characters.

Allison and Alex had tickets to the Golden Knights game Wednesday, so Isaac and I looked online for some in the same section. We got lucky and snagged some about 10 rows from the ice for a great price, so we couldn't pass them up. It was such a blast to sit so close and watch our boys win! I even got a shot of them scoring a goal in the beginning.

I took this first picture right before Fleury punched another player in the head. Engelland is my favorite, because: 1) He's a Vegas boy, 2) He's number 5, and 3) He's so aggressive. He had something to say to the guy that Fleury punched and helped the ref move him off the ice...right in front of us. It was the coolest!

Meanwhile, Auntie Elisha was watching the girls at home, and Perry had so much fun with Brielle.

Perry has recently become obsessed with the movie Coco. It's playing at our house on multiple TVs all the time. We all love the music and break out into song randomly. (She's also really started loving on her bunny from last Easter.)

Perr made a thumbprint fishy at school this week. I miss the days when she was in the baby room, and I would get hand/foot print crafts all the time.

Her little baby hairs are growing and getting so long. We were all admiring them while she took her nightly bath.

Char's teacher texted me this, and I could not stop laughing. That's my Charley!

She brought home this cute little Happy Teeth book and vowed to never eat sugar again, because she didn't want to get any cavities. It didn't last long, but she had fun reading us her book and telling us all about teeth.

We went to Coo Coo's for breakfast on Saturday and played Connect 4 while waiting for our food.

After breakfast, we hung out at Poppa and Grandma's for a while so the girls could spend some time with them. Back at home, we worked on potty training a little more. Perry loves to boss us around and will even do so mid-song.

We met the Gerfy's at Grimaldis for dinner and followed it up with a trip to Krispy Kreme for their hot, fresh doughnuts for dessert.

Perry fell asleep as soon as we got home.

Sunday, we hung around the house doing chores. Perry watched Coco in her bed with her baby bun.

She took a nap with Mommy's blanky and looked so sweet.

After nap time, it was back to Coco, while Mommy worked on the computer for a bit.

After working and doing chores all day, I took a long, hot bath with a charcoal face mask. It was the best.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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