Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Santa Sighting

We got some rain during the week and had a pretty rainbow out our office window. I didn't take any other pictures this week, but don't worry, I made up for it over the weekend.

We met the Gerfys, Keltons, and Halls at Christmas Town Friday night. It was covered in lights, and the girls loved it.

Since we got there right when it opened, there was no line to see Santa. We took advantage and hung out with the jolly old guy for a few minutes.

After Santa, we walked around to check out the lights. We stumbled upon some bounce houses, and the kids had a blast in them. The snowball pit was the biggest hit, and we basically had to drag the kids out of there.

They had the coolest tunnel of lights that led to the sledding area. 

The girls weren't too sure about the sleds, but Daddy made them go with him. They got off laughing, but both of them ran over to me and started crying right after. They said it was too scary.

We checked out more lights and then got in line for a train ride.

I think this was the girls' favorite part. The train took us all around the park to see all of the different lights.

Saturday morning, we met my dad for breakfast to celebrate his birthday, since he and Ellie had plans to head up to Mount Charleston for the night. We met at The Coffee Cup, and it was delicious, as usual. After breakfast, we met my mom and sister at Green Valley Ranch to hang out at Winter's Village to celebrate Mom's birthday.

We saw Santa and made some yummy s'mores at our fire pit.

After drinking hot cocoa and snacking, we were ready to try our luck on some ice skates. I was surprised that Grace and Char did pretty well this year, while Perry required all the help she could get.

When we finished ice skating, Perry played Jenga with Papa and Chase.

We left and headed to El Torito for dinner once we were all frozen.

Sunday morning, we headed to Lowe's to get ready to start on our Christmas lights. Perry begged Daddy for all of these guys. He ended up letting her get the Grinch.

Clarabelle showed up at the house in ice skates and brought the girls three gifts.

They played outside, while Daddy put up all of the Christmas lights outside the house.

Perry was all about helping Daddy hang the lights.

Once we were all finished, the girls opened their gifts from Clarabelle. She brought each of them an advent calendar to count down until Christmas. They were so excited to open the first day. Perry got a  baby Grinch and instantly fell in love with it.

After dinner. we admired our Christmas lights. I look forward to this every year.

We're so excited that December is finally here! 

See ya next week!!

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