Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Christmas Jammies

The girls woke up Monday and couldn't believe that Clarabelle had toilet papered our Christmas tree.

We all got ready and headed over to Grammy's for our annual Christmas Eve celebration.

We helped Grammy cook dinner, and Perry couldn't get enough. She was eating raw green beans and slivered almonds by the handful. She was also excited about the mashed potatoes, and licked the spoon clean.

When we were done cooking, everyone was ready to eat. The girls toasted with their fancy Coke bottles before digging in.

Mom brought out the first gifts for all of the guys - ball wash. Their slogan is to "keep the funk off your junk". I thought it was extra funny, because I got Isaac the same thing for his stocking.

Perry helped Papa do the dishes, so we could unwrap presents.

The girls were so excited about every gift. Charley got this huge LOL doll house. She loves her LOL dolls, and she couldn't wait to get it home and put it together.

Gracie got the cutest Golden Knights bow, and her Fur Real Puppy, Ricky.

Perry and Kait Kait got their first baby dolls. Perry carried hers around like this for the rest of the night. She shushed it, changed its clothes, and took it to bed with her.

Back at home, we got the living room ready for Santa to come. One of my favorite parts about the holiday season is getting all of the Christmas cards in the mail. I always hang them around this hallway entrance, because it's the first thing you walk by as you enter our home. I love to see all of our family and friends at the end of each day.

The girls got their Christmas jammies on and admired our tree.

We set out some cookies for Santa and carrots for Rudolph. Perry then insisted on downing carrots before she would go to sleep.

I caught Santa being sneaky and setting up all of his gifts for the girls. 

Grace came in to tell me that Santa came around 2am, and I sent her back to bed. Then Perry and I woke up around 5:30, and we had to wait for Charley to finally wake up and come downstairs. The girls were so excited when they saw the presents under the tree. They ran and grabbed Daddy's present for him to open first. He had been talking about this "baby Chewie" Chewbacca toy for months, and they couldn't wait for him to open it. I loved seeing them so excited to give their Dad something rather than just tearing through their gifts first.

Perr Perr was not about it. She didn't really want to open anything and was cranky and tired. She mainly just laid in my lap, while sisters opened all of their presents. I didn't take a ton of pictures, because we put Christmas music on my phone and just enjoyed the morning playing with the kids.

Daddy got all of the girls their own boxing gloves and head gear. Char opened them and said, "are we supposed to like these?". You can bet that she's the most excited to practice with Dad, though. She loves to get her gear on and throw some punches.

They had fun playing with their Hatchimals and teaching Grace's dog some tricks, while Daddy set up their new PS4. Then we spent some time playing their new Lego Incredibles game.

Perry was more awake now, and opened her gifts. Then she "helped" Dad.

Grace moved all of the presents into a pile, so it'd be easier to carry them upstairs. Poppa and Gran came over, and the girls loved their gifts. Especially Perry, who got figurines of allll of the Disney princesses that she recently fell in love with at Disneyland. She put them all in her teddy backpack, and they came everywhere with us all day.

We headed to Grandpa & Grandma Espejos where we ate and watched the girls play with Brielle. Presley and Pax walked in right as we started gifts, and it was a madhouse. There was wrapping paper flying everywhere, and the kids were in Christmas heaven.

We spent the afternoon at my Poppa and Grandma's house eating and catching up with cousins. We had a great Christmas and loved getting to spend time with everyone.

Thursday, we had an ultrasound with the high risk doctor for our twenty week anatomy scan. Baby looks perfect, and my placenta even moved up a little bit, so we're in the clear for the risks/issues that the doctor was worried about before this appointment. I left feeling so much better about everything. She also reassured us that it was indeed a boy. He confirmed it by keeping his legs spread wide open for the entire ultrasound. She told him a few times to "put that thing away". I'm sure that's not the last time we'll be saying that...

Perry rocked out with her Vampirina guitar after her bath.

She also played with her princess castle, which is one of her most favorite toys right now.

We snacked on peaches before bed. I've been buying these diced peach cups and keeping them in the fridge. Every day when I pick Perry up, she and I eat them together on the couch while watching a movie. I crave them all day long.

Isaac and I talked about our vehicles when we found out we were having another baby and decided to just keep the ones we have. We realllly love my car, and it has a third row. We'll be able to use it for everyday life, but it'll be a struggle for travel. Also, the third row isn't easy to get to and leaves us with virtually no trunk. I literally had dreams three nights in a row about driving to soccer games with a wagon, chairs, soccer gear, and 4 kids. In my subconscious, there was no way this was going to work. I told Isaac I thought we'd better go look just to see what our options were. We started looking online and really liked the Yukon Denali XL. We built one on their website, and they had the exact model and color with a few extra options at the dealership on Sahara. That never happens! We headed out there Saturday morning as soon as they opened. We test drove it, negotiated a deal, and drove it home a few hours later. I was nervous about it being heavy or difficult to drive, but it's so smooth and handles with ease. We were all really sad to trade my car in, but decided that we'll get another someday when the kids are driving themselves. Grace was super sad and gave it a hug when we said good-bye.

We made carne asada tacos for dinner with the Halls that night, and I couldn't stop thinking about them afterwards. I couldn't wait to wake up and eat more for breakfast.

We put our Christmas tree, lights, and decorations away on Sunday. I love getting these ornament each year. We always use our Christmas card photo, and it's so fun to see how our family has grown in the past nine years.

The kids played with the Sebastian boys all day long. They went from trampolines, to video games, to street hockey and had so much fun.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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